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kees de mol

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Everything posted by kees de mol

  1. Very very impressive. Al those parts wich you have handcrafted. I am stunned
  2. Wow, those sails look very wel crafted. You must be a very patient man to do this.
  3. Beautifull build! What is it with Turkey? They build so much nice ships there. Models as well as full scale ships.
  4. Hello Jan, The white stuff is filler to fill the gap between the straight sections and the upper curved section. I will try to simulate the hull plating but it will be very difficult because I have very little refference material
  5. I am absolutely amazed by your woodwork. How on earth can you work so neat. All the joints fits so well! :im Not Worthy:
  6. It looks great. Looking forward to see the rest of the build of this extraordinary ship.
  7. Today I sanded the new hull i made from mdf sections. The sanding went well and with the drawings and some photo's I managed to make a good shaped hull. Now I am going to finish the bull with some filler and sanding and then to the next step.
  8. Well what can I say. I glued the sections together and added the topsection (wich is curved) and then I wanted to start sanding. But I had a bad feeling about it and started to measure everything again and compared it whit the plans I had. I turned out I had made a big mistake with making the drawings and the sections. The sections where not wide enough, they are arround 2 cm to short. That was a bummer But in the meantime I recieved (unexpected) a really good lineplan wich I would not have to adjust. So I am still going strong and just started a new build. It will take some time but there will be a new update soon. This time with a good hull with good measurements Regards, Kees
  9. Very Interesting build this one. Good to see the carbonpaper again, I was forgotten it.
  10. Very nice these details. I wonder what else you will show us
  11. Today I have sawn the mulitple sections of the hull. After this I will glue them together and then it's time for sanding, sanding and more sanding. I keep the lineplan nearby to control myself while sanding and then I will have an accurate hullform. Regards, Kees
  12. Very clean build. Especially I like your woodcarving and turning.
  13. Shame it went wrong with the ladder but the wooden version is looking better in my opinion.
  14. Some photo's of the VL 16 wich was the sistership of the KW 49. They are the same in construction
  15. In post 79 I see some nice clamps (dont know how to call them) Do you know the name of them? Regards, Kees
  16. You work like a magician. Most of the time I dont have a clue of what you are doing but I like watching the build.
  17. I am amazed by how you did the floor of the captains cabin. Very well done
  18. I followed this thread from the moment I arrived on this forum. It gave me a smile when I saw how you handled the problems and how inventive you were. Now the only thing I miss is a shot with the proud builder and the model together Regards, Kees
  19. You are very inventive making those masts. Nice to see how you extended your lathe. I have to keep that in mind for the day the wood-fever will hit me.
  20. Are you now sure you have it right? Then start building quick and you will soon forget the mistakes. Good luck Veel succes! Regards Kees
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