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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Eric, did the funnel have a joiner strip? If not, it's easy enough to create one from scrap paper. Use regular 20# bond for joiner strips inside narrow-diameter tubes.
  2. The wing rigging is done. I wanted to do this portion before tackling the landing gear, because it requires frequently turning the model over, and the gear would just be in the way. This portion went much easier because each line has pre-drilled insertion points that make gluing easier. The lines were set with CA and later given a daub of white glue to help prevent them from coming loose.
  3. What did you order, Eric? I'll probably make a post in the "What have you received" thread once my second shipment arrives.
  4. Ah, good ol' Securi. 🙄 @James H will have to fix this for you in the a.m.
  5. They're called anti-spin strakes. The name is self-explanatory. As for the bit of skew, because the struts have wire innards, I was able to twist the wing slightly and make the misalignment less apparent. On another note, I was finally able to connect the irksome bit of rigging -- only took twenty attempts. 🤬
  6. At this point, various factors are working against making much progress on the model. First there is, of course, holiday preparations -- tree-trimming, decorating, etc. Second is the fact that I will have family from out-of-town in this weekend, and hiding away in the man cave at such times is generally frowned upon. In the few moments I have had to work on the model, I have been attaching the diagonal bracing between the interplane struts (4 pieces). Three of them are done, but last night the fourth defeated all efforts to get one end properly secured, and at that point I thought it best to retire from the fight and live to model another day. I will post a picture once I get all the wing bracing done; the rest of it should go much better (hopefully).
  7. BTW, this sale is still in full swing. Greg picked up a second truckload of kits from the estate, and there is literally something for everybody. The ship listings alone fill 24 handwritten pages and include many of Shipyard's 1/96 sailing ship kits, plus stuff from HMV, WMV, Oriel, and others. Greg is a totally legitimate seller -- I have transacted with him in the past, and I received my first set of kits from this sale last week. I just ordered a set from batch #2 as well. Be sure to check it out if you have any interest in card models at all!
  8. That'd be my guess, too. It's a Model Shipways kit.
  9. Craig, you and I are continuing to duplicate each other's model stash. I have an SBD-3 on my Christmas wish list.
  10. Nope, but I see you got the photo inserted. 😉
  11. It's pretty straightforward. At the bottom of any reply window is a toolbar for uploading images. Afterwards, you simply click on the desired image to insert it into your post. Double-clicking the inserted image will bring up a resizing tool, so you don't have to worry about sizing images before uploading them.
  12. Ready? Here we go! Step #1: struts Step #2: parasol monoplane 😋 Step #3: biplane! I may have to make judicious use of flattering angles for the eventual final photos. The right upper wing is skewed a tiny bit aft. I finally discovered the problem -- the locator hole for the lower right wing's pin is about 0.5-1.0 mm farther aft than that for the left wing! I'm not sure that I'll be able to do much about it at this late juncture, but we'll see.
  13. Not only did you do a nice job, but the printed kit components indicate that this is an old kit, so it's a doubly impressive accomplishment for a new modeler. Congratulations!
  14. Welcome! And thanks for the earworm (an agreeable one)!
  15. Lower wings ready for outer skins, and aileron pieces cut out as well. The DH.82 only had ailerons on the lower wings.
  16. Photography tends to highlight mistakes that are not readily picked up in an in-person viewing.
  17. Thanks, but much of the credit must go to the designer, Pawel Mistewicz. So far this has been a well thought-out kit. Also, this is the 18th card aircraft I have attempted (14 completed), so hopefully I have progressed up the learning curve a bit.
  18. Welcome, Steve! I missed your original introduction. Good luck on your project!
  19. Upper Wings The wing design includes two layers of skin, which makes it easier to obtain a nice, smooth exterior. Here are the lower first-layer skins and interior framing. Upper first-layer skins attached. Exterior skins cut out and edge-colored. Inner skins mated to outer skins. All done! Of course, it's a biplane,so I have to do this all over again for the lower wings. 🙃
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