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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Witam! Thank you for joining and letting us see your work!
  2. FINALLY . . . after over three weeks of painstaking work, numerous itty bitty parts lost and remade again, and liberal usage of 'special words', the stack is done. It was a real slog (no offense to Captain Slog), and I'm relieved to be done with it so that I can at last move on to something else -- literally anything else!
  3. Oh, I could show you plenty! But I appreciate the thought.
  4. I always cruise around and look for stuff that I might be able to use down the road. Here's a bit more pipe. I won't go into detail about how aggravating it was to get this little bit done. With my headband magnifier I can see all the niggling mistakes, but I have to admit that from a stand-off distance, it's looking pretty awesome.
  5. Isn't it nice to have a choice? 🙂
  6. Well, slight setback. I'm finding the paper pipes to be a bit tedious, so I've tried making the pipes from styrene rod by using the 2-D card parts as templates. The trouble is, I very rarely need to make styrene-to-styrene bonds, so I don't have any plain ol' plastic model cement on hand to join the sections together, and none of my other glues have been making satisfactory joints. I'll probably pick up a tube of cement on the way home from work tomorrow.
  7. Never built one myself. I tend to shy away from anything bigger than my current project (destroyer escort) because of the added expense, the need for more display space, and the extra 'enjoyment', as you say.
  8. I think we need a reaction button for something like "wow x 2."
  9. Ah, indeed they do. Here is the link. GPM Arizona
  10. The Chinese versions are probably illegal copies of the Digital Navy version. Have you tried contacting Roman through DN's email? He hasn't kept up his website, but he may still sell you a copy of the kit.
  11. Allan beat me to the suggestion about the Rogers Collection. Most maritime nations have at least one national maritime museum with many great models. You've already discovered the NMM. Another that I know off the top of my head from your side of the pond is the Hamburg Maritime Museum. I'm sure our members can suggest many others. If you surf through our scratch builds gallery, you will also find many outstanding models built by MSW members, many of whom are based in Europe. Also, search the site for models built by our member DORIS (that's her username) -- she does scratch builds in paper and card stock that simply have to be seen to be believed. She lives in the Czech Republic and has been featured on TV there.
  12. Slowly, slowly adding more pipe work. I had to use two of my printed spares for this latest bit. 😬
  13. If you haven't read it yet, a wonderful book for beginners is Ship Modeling Simplified by the late Frank Mastini. Some of it is a bit dated, but it's a very encouraging read. Your local library may even have a copy, or can get hold of one through an inter-library loan.
  14. I have used EZ-line for rigging ships and aircraft. I don't know what its width is, but it is not round in cross-section, which might be apparent at 1/700 scale. The best thing about EZ line is that it is elastic, meaning it can be stretched between contact points and will create a nice, taut line when fixed in place. Another option that I haven't tried myself but have heard of others using is fly tippet line. 6X tippet is typically 0.13 - 0.14 mm in diameter. Some tippet is available in black, but you'll have to shop around to see if it is available as black 6X.
  15. Bingo! Once correctly rolled, I simply wick thin CA into the joint.
  16. This is par for the course for MS kits - most of them assume some prior experience on the part of the builder. In addition, MS kits typically require some components to be scratch-built from supplied stock, using dimensions taken directly from the plans; those same components are often supplied in the form of pre-made parts by other kit manufacturers.
  17. Just be aware that red alder is not rot resistant, so don't keep your model permanently immersed in water. 😉
  18. No, but many times such things are available as after-market accessories. But, just as with plastic models, the cost of accessories can really add up, which partly negates one of the basic appeals of card models, namely their low price relative to kits in other media.
  19. Nope, not really. I do the really tiny folds with tweezers tips, larger fold over the edge of a metal ruler.
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