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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Is there a compelling reason for wishing to have the Dumas kit built for you? For the price of a commissioned build, you could probably purchase a ready-made RC tug.
  2. Also Syren. https://syrenshipmodelcompany.com/miniature-rope.php
  3. Glad to have you along, Michael. I've nearly got the inner bulwarks and frame extensions complete - will post an update when I get those done.
  4. Welcome aboard, Rick!
  5. Nuestro foro requiere que las publicaciones se realicen en inglés. Puede utilizar un traductor de Internet si es necesario. ¡Gracias!
  6. Welcome aboard! I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that your grandfather's model is the old Artesania Latina Harvey kit, a generic Baltimore clipper. Plans for her are probably easily obtained on eBay (the kit was very popular back in the day). You might also find the book Rigging Period Fore-and-Aft Craft by Lennarth Petersson valuable.
  7. Great model, and I love the photography, too!
  8. I have always used CA for attaching eyebolts. My oldest models are a quarter-century old now, and so far no eyebolts or any other parts have pulled loose.
  9. I have now completed 58% of the frame extensions. I can only do about eight of these in one session before my brain dies and I no longer remember who I am, where I am, or why I am. 😯😬😵‍💫😵
  10. Nope, it's right here: I'll lock this topic, and you can continue in the original. Cheers!
  11. Welcome aboard, Felix! We are an English-language forum, so please post in English. An online translator will do the job nicely.
  12. Welcome aboard!
  13. One of the things I really like about your model, and this is in no way meant as a critique of your painting skills, is that the paint job looks rather 'childish', which it should, considering that the original is supposed to have been made by a child. I think some modelers might have been tempted to do a very neat paint job, which would have ruined the illusion of childlikeness. Some modelers might even find it a challenge to do a childlike paint job! But you got it just right -- it looks very true to the original.
  14. Air Cargo Shorts 360 are a Nike product that look good from every angle. I just made that up, but ya never know -- coulda been a thing. 😄
  15. As an aircraft buff, I knew what you meant when you said "Air Cargo Shorts," but since cargo shorts are also a thing, I can see how some people might be confused. 😄
  16. We were practically neighbors. I used to regularly drive over that way to fish Lewis Creek.
  17. I received one of those handy serving machines last Christmas and plan to use it for Phoenix's rigging, whenever I get around to that.
  18. Welcome aboard from a California ex-pat! Whereabouts in Central California are you? My most recent Cali address was in Mariposa. BTW, the smack was my very first wooden model, too. It's doable, but the thick side planks were a bit tricky around the bow filler blocks. Nothing to lose sleep over, though. Cheers!
  19. Next we come to the inner bulwarks and their associated frame extensions. Lessee now, there's 48 frame extensions, times 5 parts per extension, that makes 240 parts for the frame extensions alone. 😬😳😢 This might take awhile.
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