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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Still, I think, doesn't quite match the level of idiotic self-immolation seen years ago in my infamous "absentmindedly transferring the hot plank bending iron from one hand to the other" incident.
  2. I should add that not all acrylic paints are created equally. I use cheap, craft store paints for my card models, and for that purpose the coarse pigments used in such paints are not an issue. For wooden models, I recommend that you use acrylics specifically formulated for models -- they have finer pigments and will thus produce smoother finishes.
  3. Either will do. It largely depends on what you're used to working with. Personally, I use acrylics simply because they're cheaper, they clean up with water, and I don't use an airbrush.
  4. Been almost a year now, so time to give this message a bump! Take heed, please! This means that @Old Rentner, @ExPat , @Начинающий судомоделист, @clearway, and @Rvandg: YOU ARE CURRENTLY AT RISK OF HAVING YOUR LOOSE GALLERY IMAGES DELETED. Please move them into albums soon! If you need help with creating an album, contact a moderator. Thank you!
  5. I'd suggest removing the wood between two bulkheads, then glue in a basswood plug to make a base for the replacement planks.
  6. I wish I had known about this walk-around earlier in the build process. https://www.net-maquettes.com/pictures/macchi-mc-200/
  7. Wow, very nice! Having the persistence to build all those oars is a stunning achievement in itself!
  8. Well, I got a wheel (singular) shaped. Each main gear wheel consists of four laminated disks. After gluing one up, I drill a hole through the center and use my Dremel tool to sand it to approximately the correct shape. After soaking it in some thin CA, I lightly sand it smooth. Here's a before-and-after: Don't worry -- the gaping holes get covered by paper hubs.
  9. Haven't forgotten this build -- just experiencing a slight ebb in modeling mojo. Gonna try to get to the landing gear this weekend.
  10. The book Retribution by Max Hastings chronicles the last year of the Pacific war, including a significant chunk devoted to events in the CBI theater and an analysis of how they fit into the overall Allied plans for defeating Japan. I just finished re-reading it a few weeks ago.
  11. Why not just build it and call it a 19th-century dispatch boat?
  12. The AA version reminded me that I saw an M-42 Duster at Patriots Point last weekend. Sadly, like the other outdoor exhibits there, prolonged exposure to the elements has done a number on it.
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