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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. That was my logic, too. I now have the outer bulwarks and wales installed on the port side. Gonna need a bit of trimming at the aft end..
  2. I'm back from vacation, and the speeljacht saga continues. Here's a glimpse of where we are with the hull (port side filled, sanded, and painted): What you may perhaps notice is that there isn't really much, in my view, to recommend the filled and sanded side over the untreated side. There's still plenty of obvious seam work. To emphasize the point, here's a broadside view of the port side: This after at least three fillings-and-sandings (I lost count). Here's the untreated starboard side: Like I said, I'm not really seeing much, if any, improvement on the treated side, so I'm leaning strongly toward abandoning the effort (just the hull treatment, not the entire model). This is, after all, a rookie paper planking job, so just getting the build completed will be counted as a success. For future builds, I think that much more attention needs to be given to the first layer of planking and getting the hull closer to the correct shape. While all of this is happening, I have a lot of airplane kits calling to me, and I ordered four more as a birthday present to myself, along with some 3D-printed after-market accessories for an A6M2 build, including a printed Sakae radial. 😮😬 So I need to keep this build moving forward!
  3. Hi, Terry. I'm sorry that it took this pet-astrophe to bring you out of the woodwork -- your Syren looks very nice, and I hope we will see more of it. In the meantime, your request for assistance will garner much more attention if it is given a suitable title, which I have gone ahead and done for you. Have you also tried contacting Model Expo for a replacement plan sheet?
  4. That is a beautiful model and a very thoughtful gift for your granddaughter!
  5. I missed the finish of your project. It's a great model and a fantastic presentation! Well done!
  6. I'm sure that at that scale, craft stores might have shadow boxes with about the right dimensions.
  7. That is a wonderful and eye-catching display! Congratulations!
  8. Witam, @0Seahorse! I'm really looking forward to watching another of your designs come together. Unfortunately, your image links are not working.
  9. Short update here. I have the foredeck's inner bulwarks installed. I will be traveling during the next week, so this will be the last update for awhile. Sadly, I can't bring my models with me. 😢
  10. Eleven years, in fact! Welcome aboard at last!
  11. Hope you don't mind that I changed the title to the English name rather the Turkish version on the plans.
  12. The humble moderating crew has corrected the somewhat confusing original title.
  13. Welcome aboard!
  14. Very nice! I think it is a particular kind of challenge to get a plastic model of a wooden subject to look just 'right', and you have achieved the proper look.
  15. You can do that yourself on your account settings page. Go to the edit signature page, delete the link for your build log, then re-post it -- but look for and use option on the toolbar beneath the image that says "share as link." Then save the edited signature. You should be good to go!
  16. Love the model, Keith, but -- I had to delete the stock photo in your earlier post, as it was from a pay site. I loved the photo, though, as it featured the steam donkey that was part of the Pacific Lumber Company (PALCO) museum in Scotia, California. I don't know if it is still there or not, as the company was sold some years back. When I was a fisheries technician with the CCC back in the 1900s, we did a lot of work on PALCO timber holdings. The story of how PALCO went out of business is a very sad tale. The company was the victim of a hostile takeover financed by junk bonds. To finance the debt, the new owners accelerated timber harvests above and beyond what was sustainable. The company went insolvent regardless. PALCO was a big part of the daily life of Southern Humboldt County, and a lot of people lost their livelihoods when the mill closed. The Scotia mill has new owners now, and as far as I know it is still operating, but I moved away decades ago and haven't kept up on how well they are doing.
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