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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Next we have the oil cooler. It's a tiny bit lopsided, but considering how complex the structure is, I'm happy with it.
  2. It seems our Chinese friends are a little sensitive about displaying the Nationalist roundel, much like German kits are not allowed to include swastikas.
  3. A nice milestone moment in the construction of a plane is getting the first outer skin on. On some Halinski builds, I have had a lot of issues with the inner cockpit skins not fitting correctly -- they must align precisely and have no gaps at the seams, otherwise the outer skins won't fit either. Fortunately, this time around only some light sanding was needing to achieve the desired inner skin fit, and the outer skin thus went on without a hitch. The nose frames were then assembled and mated to the cockpit section. You can see that there is a substantial amount of substructure. After adding one more fuselage skin (it fit perfectly and won't even require any seam touch-ups), it's time to work on the nose. The Emil had a rather lumpy, bumpy nose (a characteristic that was addressed in the 109F), and that is reflected in the jigsaw puzzle-like nose assembly sequence for the model. Patience will be the order of the day!
  4. Me, too -- but if I recall correctly, I have to go off-site to see the build log for this one (hint, hint). 🤨😉
  5. Take a good look -- this is the last time you'll be able to clearly see all of the cockpit elements before everything gets closed up. Port side on the left, starboard on the right. The disparity in the number of controls on the two sides makes me wonder whether the Luftwaffe chose only right-handed pilots for fighter pilot duty. 🤔
  6. The outboard wheel is for raising and lowering flaps; the inner wheel controls the elevator trim tabs.
  7. Hey, Greg. I just came across this thread. I had this kit back in the day, sans PE upgrades. Never got around to building it. I just saw a video about this aircraft a few weeks ago. The narrator mentioned that this aircraft had an unfortunate tendency to fling its cockpit crew forward into the spinning prop upon hard landings -- not a trait that endeared it much to its crews.
  8. Wow! The Hellcat got selected as Picture of the Month at Paper Modelers. I was kind of shocked when I saw it there -- it's quite the honor.
  9. Bonjour, Alexandre, et bienvenue à MSW. Veuillez noter que MSW est un forum en anglais uniquement. Vous pouvez utiliser un traducteur en ligne si nécessaire. Pour tirer le meilleur parti de votre temps à MSW, veuillez lire nos directives de forum ici. Nous avons également un article qui explique comment utiliser les différentes fonctions de notre site. Parce que les modèles que vous souhaitez exposer ici sont des pièces finies, le meilleur endroit pour les exposer est dans notre galerie de modèles finis. Vous pouvez créer un dossier pour tous ensemble ou séparément pour chaque modèle. En attendant, je vais combiner vos publications récentes en un seul sujet et les déplacer dans votre introduction. Sincèrement, Chris Hello, Alexandre, and welcome to MSW. Please note that MSW is an English only forum. You can use an online translator if necessary. To get the most out of your time at MSW, please read our forum guidelines here. We also have an article that explains how to use the different functions of our site. Because the models you want to display here are finished pieces, the best place to display them is in our finished model gallery. You can create a folder for all together or separately for each model. In the meantime, I'll combine your recent posts into a single topic and move them into your introduction.
  10. I always told my kids that if I bought a lottery ticket, I had a 1 in however many million chance of winning, but if I didn't buy a ticket I had a 1 in 1 chance of saving a dollar.
  11. First cuts -- started work on the cockpit. Typical for Halinski, the kit has a lot of details that will not likely be visible on the finished model. This first bit contains 32 parts. Rather fortuitously, I once again happened to have all the necessary edge colors on hand already. That's two kits in a row! 😮
  12. Thanks, Dan. I have been trying to get in touch with Darius to get this project moving forward, but no joy yet.
  13. Superb work, Craig! Looks a properly grungy, hard-working piece of machinery.
  14. It's labeled as "fine" but doesn't specify the diameter (actually width, since it isn't round in cross-section).
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