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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. I'm a big fan of MK's planking philosophy. Spiling is wonderful for those who enjoy it, but I'm not one of those people, so I appreciate pre-spiled planking.
  2. They're not hard to find if you Google "Russian brig Mercury." Her captain's actions lend credence to the adage about fortune favoring the bold.
  3. Welcome! Mercury is a great kit, if not often the subject of build logs.
  4. Given the age of that kit and its Italian origins, I doubt that it came with very extensive instructions.
  5. Hi, Grant. I checked your photo bin. There's 13 images in there with unique file names and 13 in the post, so it looks like nothing is technically amiss.
  6. Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on a job well done!
  7. It's only been a month -- you're gonna have to stay away for much, much longer if you want to join the ranks of the truly great procrastinators in our hobby! 😉
  8. I took the liberty of changing your build log title to Pegasus based on the assumption that you will build this Swan-class vessel as the subject depicted by the kit -- unless, of course, you plan to actually build the model as Swan, in which case you will need to make some cosmetic changes. Let me know if I need to fix anything!
  9. Not sure what the issue could have been, but I have moved it for you. Good luck on your project!
  10. I believe you have succeeded! Thanks for sharing this great resource with our community!
  11. Hi, Rick! Yep, that's me, and we have a few other dual members as well. We're doing what we can to make card models respectable around here!
  12. Wow, the initial fit is . . . um . . . interesting. 😬
  13. MSW follows the copyright/fair use laws of the United States. Fair use allows short snippets of copyrighted works to be used for discussion or critique; a rule-of-thumb (not a legal standard) is about 5% of a work. The exact percentage allowable is made on a case-by-case basis only when an infringement is challenged in court. Most excerpts posted at MSW fall well within the amount allowable under fair use. Works whose copyright has expired and which are now considered to be in the public domain carry no such restrictions. In the US, copyright protections are automatic for the life of the author plus 70 years.
  14. Welcome! We look forward to seeing it!
  15. Sharing the files for discussion is fine. The question becomes a bit trickier should it ever seem that you are actually distributing the files -- that would bring up the question of whether your work is sufficiently derivative to not be considered a copyright violation (a determination that ultimately can only be decided by a court). One way to avoid that might be to make the files read-only.
  16. Only AL can answer that question. But, good news -- there are plenty of other cutter-type kits available out there. Keep looking until you find an in-stock example that grabs your interest.
  17. I don't treenail, either, at the scales I work in. It's not because I don't like the look, which is fine when people do a good job of it. It's just that real-life treenailing is very subtle in appearance, and at scale viewing distances treenails are pretty much invisible. It's the same reason I don't do any sewing on my sails -- scale needlework is impossible to do.
  18. I took care of it. I'll send the bill. 😉
  19. Welcome aboard!
  20. The publishing company I work for has been incorporating an uncomfortable level of technology for some of us reluctant, old school paper-and-ink guys, but ya can't halt the march of progress. Good luck with the new platform!
  21. We have had dogs for years (I'm allergic to cats). We raised nine guide dog puppies. Most of our own have been mixed breeds of one sort or another, but our Old Man at the moment is a 15-year-old Cavalier. He is very dominant (I call him the 'anti-Cavalier') and is not completely thrilled about the new addition 😅. Our youngest daughter has a super-sweet-tempered Cavalier as well.
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