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Posts posted by russ

  1. Well, I finally have some slight progress to report the last couple of days. What with the holidays and then the bitterly cold weather we have had the last couple of weeks, it has been difficult to get any shop time. Here, I have the large rub rail on the port side and the chain plates installed. In the next couple of days I will get the starboard chain plates installed and then I can do some painting.  



    progress chainplates port 1-21-2018.JPG

    progress rubrail port 1-21-2018.JPG

  2. And a little more progress. This pilot house has three large windows across the front. The window openings have been created, but there is some frame work inside the opening and the windows were inserted components that could taken out when necessary. So, the window frames are made separate and then inserted into the window openings.


    I am using 1/32" thick basswood for the window frames with half lapped joints at each corner. This makes the window frame assembly fairly strong so that I can clean up the corners and sand the assembly. I use a home made jig to keep the corners squared and the completed assembly is rubbed across a sanding stick to clean it up and reduce the thickness a bit on both sides.


    There are 1/32" pieces top and bottom that are glued into the window opening, along with vertical stop strips placed behind each window frame  on both sides on the inside, as well as vertical pieces on the outside on both sides to hold the window frame in place. These vertical pieces will be added when all three window frames are completed and fitted.



    progress window frame jig 12-10-2017.JPG

    progress window frame sanding 12-10-2017.JPG

    progress window frame fitted 12-10-2017.JPG

  3. Elijah:

    Your model is coming along really well. Nice work.


    When staining basswood, please make sure to use a sanding sealer or pre stain conditioner. This will help even out the color and cut down on the blotchy effect. Basswood is soft and it has some areas that are denser than others. Thus the stain will soak in more here, less there. That is what creates the blotchy effect. The pre stain conditioner will cut down on that and should eliminate it. I have had good luck using pre stain conditioner, wipe it off, and then stain right after.



  4. Eric:

    Do not let the size and nature of the Syren kit cause you any misgivings. The plans are excellent, the instructions are first rate, and the most challenging part of the build, the framework of the hull, will be much easier because the components are likely to fit very well and be easier to fair and plank as a result. The Fair American is an older kit and I can tell you that the frame work has some issues. I have heard several modelers mention it. I doubt you are going to have those problems with the Syren. Also, Chuck is here to answer questions you may have as you progress through the kit's construction.





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