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Everything posted by russ

  1. Robert: Very neatly done so far. Good work. What did you do to simulate the caulking between deck planks? Russ
  2. Ken: Thanks for the kind words. I will snap some photos of the replica schooners. I know the Glenn L. Swetman will be there, but I am not sure about the Mike Sekul. She recently underwent several years of refitting and I am not sure if she has been recertified for passengers yet. Russ
  3. They are looking great. I like how the stern meets the deck on the left hand boat. That is very classy looking. Beautiful work. Russ
  4. John: Thanks. With a little (and I mean a little) spare time, I have been able to make some progress and it always feels good to be able to lose oneself in the process. Keith: Thanks for the kind words. I really like the sheer line. When I drew the plans, I thought it would look nice, but it has surpassed my expectations. Martin Fountain knew a thing or two about designing schooners. The details of the hawse pipe lips and the cut water trim were done in boxwood. That material made the difference in creating those details. I will have my camera and will take some pics at the boat show. Right now, it looks like we should have very mild temps and lower humidity. That will make it very pleasant. Pete: Thanks for looking in. I appreciate it. Thanks also for all the likes. I appreciate that as well. Russ
  5. Joe: Thanks. I am hoping the paint work comes out well. On the deck house, the stick framing would be covered up with the planking anyway, so it is really not that important an issue except that I would have liked to framed each wall. In the finished piece, you will not be able to tell the difference. Russ
  6. Finally an update. I have managed to get a few coats of paint on the hull. It is getting there. Maybe another coat and then the red underbody. The deck house is coming along. I had tried stick framing the deck house, but I think the solid bulkheads work better at this scale. I have begun planking the shell to give it that finished look. Still a ways to go on this piece. Questions and comments welcomed. Russ
  7. Ken: Thanks. This restoration was a good project and it is still one of my favorite builds. Russ
  8. The planking looks good so far. One thing I can tell you is to make sure you are getting good contact where the planks run off the transom. With the planks running past the transom, it is sometimes difficult to tell if you have nice plank seams around the edge of the transom. The better the seam is, the less filling you will have to do. Russ
  9. Bob: It is always a blast, but this year should especially good since the weather is shaping up to be a bit more hospitable. There will be a lot of people coming through and looking at the boats and there are always those who will want to sit a talk models, boats, and history. It is a great way to spend a weekend. Russ
  10. The colors look good. I like that they are a bit subdued. Too bright and it does not look right. Yours are spot on, I think. Russ
  11. Very nice figurehead. Lots of great detail and you have done great work getting the figure's proportions correct. Russ
  12. Adam: Thanks for looking in and for your kind words. I have been making some small progress. I have the carcass of the deck house made and I will be at the Billy Creel Memorial Wooden Boat Show this Saturday and Sunday at Biloxi with the schooner and a few skiff models doing some work and talking to folks. It should be a great time. Russ
  13. Scott: Your gratings and the hatch coamings look great. I also have been using and emery board for this sort of work and it really works well. Russ
  14. Dave: Using James Lees' formulas from The Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War 1625-1860, and then diving for scale, I get .0258 inches diameter for the main shrouds. Anything in the range of .025-.032 inches would work. Lees' work is typical for English ships of this period and Rattlesnake being American built in the colonies would roughly correspond with contemporary British practices. Russ
  15. My advice, go for a red that is a little darker. Nothing too bright. It will look great. Russ
  16. The trim looks great so far. Nice work. I am also back in the shop this evening. It is amazing what a little time with some wood and glue can do for one's sanity. Russ
  17. That looks very good. I agree that these types of assemblies can be lots of fun. Russ
  18. The yard looks good. The block stropping looks very neatly done. Chuck's blocks make a big difference. Russ
  19. Bob: The Lettie G. Howard, official number 141261, was listed as homeported at Pensacola as early as 1904. She was recorded abandoned in that vicinity in 1923. Russ
  20. Bob: Let me do some looking this afternoon. I can come up with a few things to help your search. Russ
  21. Alistair: Your description is how Lavery depicts the gun lashing in Arming and Fitting. Russ
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