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Everything posted by russ

  1. John: Thanks. Getting the fit on the very outer planks was not the easiest. In the center and about 5-6 strakes out, it was just about simple cuts and making a nice subtle curve. Those last two strakes were tough. Although I have seen evidence of nibbing on some schooners down here, the little contemporary photographic evidence I have seen shows none. That makes it tough to get those outer planks to fit with such a long subtle curve to cut. I wear head band magnifiers so that if the joints look good under magnification, they will look good when viewed with the naked eye. Russ
  2. Elia: Thanks. It was a good deal of work, but I am happy with the finished product. Russ
  3. Sherry, Sam, Michael and all who "liked": Thanks for the kind words. It is much appreciated. Sam, I seriously doubt I will need to do anything about those last planks. They are in there to stay. I have done this before and never had any issues with the wood moving that much. In any event, the deck will eventually get a clear sealer of some sort and that will settle the matter. Russ
  4. Here are some photos of the completed deck planking. I have given the deck its first scraping and it looks pretty good so far. The last outboard planks on both sides are not glued in. The fit was good enough that once they fitted, I could not get them out to apply glue. Russ
  5. Ken: A moulding will probably take care of the problem at the tuck of the stern where the bottom planks end. The joint at the bow where the planks go into the rabbet is more important since that is more visible. The color difference is something that cannot be fixed unless you create a new stem, keel, and sternpost out of holly. Russ
  6. Ken: So far the line of the planks looks okay. I am concerned about a couple of things right off the cuff. First, where the planks meet the rabbet at the bow, you are sure the angle of the ends of the planks is correct? There appear to be some gaps there. It might be the camera angle though. Second, there appears to be a dip in the planks aft at about the third bulkhead from the stern. Again, maybe it is a camera angle. Russ
  7. I think that basswood will probably work fine. It must be carefully handled, but it will work. Russ
  8. Raymond: I asked because it seems like you are reinventing the wheel here. I designed the project specifically for first time builders. Everything was drawn out so you would not have to experiment or have any doubts about the building process. Of course, it is your model and you can do whatever pleases you. Knock yourself out. Russ
  9. Why are you not using the plans? Each piece of each frame has already been drawn out so that the frames could be put together piece by piece. They are included with the cross section drawings that have been made available for this build. Russ
  10. Jack: Very well done. The model is absolutely beautiful. The case is really nice as well. Congratulations. Russ
  11. Thanks. She has a nice sheer line and I hope that the planking will still be apparent after the paint work. Russ
  12. The second planking looks very good. A little sanding and you are done. Very tidy job. I cannot see the wedge piece you mention. Good work. Russ
  13. The rigging looks good so far. It is good that you are researching the flaws in the rigging plan. The results will be much better and you will be much happier. Russ
  14. Adam: It is still there, but it is not that bad. I think you are making a good start. Russ
  15. That looks really good. I like the planking and especially the wales. Excellent colors. Russ
  16. Pat: Thanks. These schooners were very beautiful indeed. Credit Martin Fountain Sr. for this particular design. He was a master builder back then. Russ
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