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Everything posted by NMBROOK

  1. Hi Jarrod Another option is to apply thin cyano to the wood.Soaking the timber with this will dramatically reduce the breakages. Kind Regards Nigel
  2. Hi Michael You may have misunderstood.In the retracted position the muzzle would want to be inboard of the bulwark by 8mm.Looking at your pictures,this looks almost unachievable.With the wheels in place,would there be enough height clearance to miss the grating?That would at least theoretically allow the carriage to run back so the rear wheels came into contact with the hatch combing. Kind Regards Nigel
  3. The knightheads look fabulous in position mate She is really starting to come 'alive' now Kind Regards Nigel
  4. Great work mate!!Very nice job on the planking,she will look fabulous when you apply the paint Kind Regards Nigel
  5. Absolutely inspirational work Doris !!!I really wouldn't know where to begin making figures like that. Kind Regards Nigel
  6. Have you been looking at those Russian/Ukranian builds with contrasting planking either side of the hatches? You will just have to try and do a 'mock up' and see how it looks The thin stuff is ok,but I use thick cyano for that with one of those superfine nozzles.Glue seeping out is a problem and it takes some practice not to glue yourself to the deck Kind Regards Nigel
  7. Hi Mate Yes sounds like lime to me with the 'fingernail' test .Personally I would go for 4 x 1mm planking.The really thin stuff can get curly when you apply wood glue.The extra 0.5mm allows a bit for sanding,with 0.5mm planks one speck of hard glue or muck can result in sanding through when you are finishing the deck.4mm width is definitely ok at your scale giving a 10 in plank Kind Regards Nigel
  8. Congratulations on your purchase Ponto Have fun getting rid of all those polystyrene curnels,I know I did with Mordaunt Kind Regards Nigel
  9. Hi Michael The cannons only need to come back far enough to provide workroom for the gun crew.The end of the rammer would have been poked out the gunport then fed into the cannon.I think if you can get the 'room' to two feet or around 8mm in your scale that would be feasable. Kind Regards Nigel
  10. Hi mate Looking forward to the camera footage Interesting about the deck,try pressing a fingernail into one of your maple offcuts,then try on the end of a deck plank,you will soon tell as maple is rock hard compared to lime.What to do is a bit of a conundrum,I would weigh up whether you will be replacing decking material on your other builds and if so will it be the same width planks.To order replacement timber for just this build is going to kill you with postage,it will be more than the timber I should imagine I always try to get a large order together for timber,even if it means getting stuff I may not need for months. Kind Regards NIgel
  11. Hi Michael Your prototype looks fantastic.The amount of space you have is ridiculously tight,especially when you take into account how much the gun has to travel back to allow reloading.Good luck but I am confident you will find a solution.I feel that the shorter cannon may be the way forward. Kind Regards Nigel
  12. Hi Matti You are probably unaware as you were away.We had hard drive issues on the site over the weekend.This has resulted in the loss of some pictures on build logs mainly posted around June/July time last year.I have a gap in images on my Sovereign log.I think this may have been the cause with your signature Kind Regards Nigel.
  13. Thanks Bob,great minds think alike Seriously though,always good to get someone else's opinion when the drawing information is a 'grey' area.Lets face it,it would have been all too easy and no fun if they had included an isometric sketch of the stove sat on the deck Kind Regards Nigel
  14. Great work mate They look good even if it wasn't your first go at carving.Lets face it,they aren't much larger than those preposterously small figures I carved for the prow of Sovereign.I bet you are glad they are behind you know though BTW what has happened to your signature picture,or is it just me that can't see it? Kind Regards Nigel
  15. Absolutely outstanding work Nils,she is a very fine looking model Kind Regards Nigel
  16. Truly fabulous work Alex !!!! Kind Regards Nigel
  17. Still early for me Michael Doesn't help one of my favourite films 'Killer Elite' is on TV.I am afraid Alex's cannons don't cover the unusual scale of 1/84 of the SOTS.I do intend to build Soleil Royal again to 1/50 to use his artillery one day but the cost is that of a whole kit so will have to wait a little while.They are amazing,he does 'farm out' the actual casting process,but the guns are produced from wax masters that he makes and then hand finished by himself!This link guides you through his process http://forum.modelsworld.ru/topic4685start0.html-sid=98307d662fa12fc0998fe9fda6324fa4 Kind Regards Nigel
  18. Thank you Lawrence I apologize not noticing your post earlier.Alas due to other build commitments,I do not have the time to devote to this model.I am itching to get back on with her,but she will have to wait a little longer.I am also suffering from withdrawal symptoms from woodcarving .I have had to do the odd bit on Caroline to make some moulds,and it has made me realise how much I enjoy it.Good job really as there is probably in excess of 1000 carvings to produce on Sovereign Kind Regards Nigel
  19. Fabulous work Kevin I think with the improvement,although such a small detail,the difference is night and day and well worth it in the long run. Kind Regards Nigel
  20. Hi Bob I will go out on a limb here.I have a feeling that the metal tray will be slightly larger than the base size of the stove,providing protection to the deck from stray sparks and ash.There would have been ,I imagine an upturned edge on this tray to prevent ash sparks from dropping out onto the deck.Under the tray are timber bearers(visible in Wayne's AOS book exert) to provide a solid base for the tray and support for the stove.If you look at the AOS drawing they show the stoves feet sat on the centreline of the outside bearers,presumably the whole lot is bolted through to the deck.I would take the thick black line at the level of the stoves feet to represent the trays upstand and use this as a guide to it's overall size.It would give you a fairly accurate indication of to how much oversize the tray needs to be.There is some conjecture on my part here,but that is how I interpret the drawing,coupled with a little initiative in that how I would envisage they went about protecting the deck without a suitable protective brick hearth. Kind Regards Nigel P.S.More fabulous work by the way!!!
  21. Hi Nils Yes he is an 18month old Jack Russell.He is called Stanley and is the 'shipyard's' apprentice.Just got to teach him not to chew the building materials . I agree you have 'free reign' when not building from a kit,the hard part is that if you have very detailed drawings or pictures,is know what is not feasable at the given scale.I think you have achieved the balance perfectly Kind Regards Nigel
  22. Thanks Mate!!!!!!! I can add it to the 2000 lengths I already have discarded from kits Don't get me wrong,you can get a nice finish with paint on walnut,but because of the open grain,it is a lot more fill,sand,fill,sand,paint sand,paint sand etc.You get the idea Thank you mate after jet washing the decking and myself in the process I shall now continue with the 'trim work' Kind Regards Nigel
  23. Hi Eamonn I would be tempted to go a little past the waterline as it reduces the chances of walnut dust impregnating the maple when sanding .It sounds like a good excuse for not switching to the dreaded walnut yet .If you have enough,I would be tempted to complete the job in maple as it is far easier to get a superior finish on this with paint,not only that,maple is much harder than walnut so they sand at different rates which may make the job a little harder. Yes the trim is Ebony,but carved with a dentil detail,that bit is easy,shaping it to fit around the windows,not so Kind Regards Nigel
  24. Simply Outstanding Nils!!!! I am cursing myself for not dropping in earlier.I feel I could spend hours just looking and admiring your model.Every part is covered with a mass of detail. Kind Regards Nigel
  25. Looking great mate I was beginning to wonder what had happened to you I retract what I said about tapering around the stern as the transition is not severe like I thought,I can see now with the clamps and pegs censored out of the picture It is my turn now to not update for a bit,as well as doing trim work where there isn't much to show till it's done and having some non model related jobs to attend to Kind Regards Nigel
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