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Everything posted by NMBROOK

  1. The 'Mr Bean' exploding paint can, room painting technique springs to mind with a small Ballahoo placed in the middle Who says us men can't multitask Sorry folks,back on topic,I am glad to hear of your progress Eamonn. Kind Regards Nigel
  2. To be honest Nils,after reading your post four times,I cannot work out whether you are having a go at me personally for posting my find of this DVD.After all in your eyes I could be seen as promoting it.My only question is,surely your argument would then apply to any modeler who chooses to write a book.After all,are they not 'cashing in' on the hobby?In my opinion a DVD is no different to a book,other than it probably does demonstrate things a little.better. I would mention again that I have no connection with this DVD's producers. Nigel
  3. Sorry to hear of the lack of success with the paint Eamonn I remember the ads on Tv,when Dulux was advertising whites,but with a hint of whatever.These were supposed to be a 'soft' alternative to brilliant white.It looks like their range has changed somewhat. Kind Regards Nigel
  4. Yes I can understand that mate,you know what they say,if in doubt,don't do it Kind Regards Nigel
  5. Hi Matti I think a lot depends on what they work out at scale size.On my Sovereign build they were 35-40mm on the original so I represented them at 0.4mm.The only thing that would concern me,although you have done far more research on this ship than I have,would be how many of the fixings present now are original.It does look like many have been added since she was raised in order to stablize the hull. Kind Regards Nigel
  6. Phenomenal attention to detail Drazen!!!!!Absolutely incredible work. Kind Regards Nigel
  7. They look great buddy!! I think sometimes it is better to think what not to include on a model rather than produce something overscale. Kind Regards Nigel
  8. Looking good Eamonn Are you going for a add on wale,or one that goes through the second planking and is glued to the first? Kind Regards Nigel
  9. You do realise I have taken a pause from eating my donner for the newsflash Got to admit,I did wonder what had happened to you Eamonn Kind Regards Nigel
  10. Sorry to hear you are having problems with Westbourne models.I had an experience a few years ago in the I ordered well over £1000 and probably nearer £1500 of RC equipment for my DSV.They billed my debit card before having everything in stock.The order came in drips and drabs and some items were incorrect or substituted,it probably took around a month before everything is sorted.From then on I stopped ordering from them.I have visited the shop a few times and it is the 'real deal' oldschool modelshop experience.I doubt you could walk into another shop in the UK and they had every Mantua/Panart/Sergal kit on display like they do there.However it is disappointing that they have problems with mail order. Kind Regards Nigel
  11. Hi Mij I am glad you like it as regards Proxxon,I noted that as well The majority of builders including professionals from eastern Europe use either Proxxon tools or homemade/custom built tools.I think the info on the dvd is invaluable regarding the jigs/attachments Dr Mike has designed to get the best from these tools.I do appreciate the arguments on this forum for many of the American made tools,but if you don't live in the US and do this for a living,you need next day spares backup. Kind Regards Nigel
  12. Great to see the start of the keel 'laid' Mark I have actually downloaded the NRG article on Hahn's build of this vessel so I have a better understanding as I follow along Many,many thanks to Chuck for his hard work that has made that possible.She is a very fine looking vessel Kind Regards Nigel
  13. I see a flaw in your cunning plan Eamonn,the watershed over here is not the same everywhere else due to time differences I would be especially cautious if 'clamps and pegs' are involved on the stern pics I would advise waiting until Kester is safely tucked up in bed Kind Regards Nigel
  14. Great work Michael I like your approach of doing a mockup in balsa before commiting to the 'good stuff'.If you are using the 1mm cutter for the slots,only take small amounts of material off in each pass,too much feed or too great a cut results in the cutter flexing,then it just snaps Success will result in a wave of thoughts along the lines of 'why didn't I get one of these machines sooner?' I speak from experience here Kind Regards Nigel
  15. Simply wonderful details Doris!!!Truly incredible work Kind Regards Nigel
  16. Excellent Marsalv!! Did you arrive at the different sizes from the AOS book?I haven't got to that stage yet,having only 'glanced' at the rigging,mainly to see how everything is belayed, Kind Regards Nigel
  17. I would like to add my experience.I ordered Frolich's book and because Ancre does not do paypal and I don't 'do' credit cards there was an initial delay due to payment confirmation from the French bank.Three days after my order I received an email confirmation that my order was being shipped,then three days later I received the book!!!!The postal service is quicker than UK's royal mail!!!!!It is interesting the reference to the French version,as from the moment of ordering to receiving the book,I constantly kept asking myself 'now I did click on the box for the English version,didn't I?'I have only the greatest praise for Ancre's efficiency.My only sadness is I wish they would do a reprint of the l'Ambiteaux monograph,ideally in English,but I would muddle through the French version if needs must Kind Regards Nigel
  18. This is just a post on Alex's behalf.Having chatted to Alex on facebook this morning,we feel that his last post could have been misinterpreted mainly down to the translator.He is pleased to inform me that Dr Mike is very much alive and well. Kind Regards Nigel
  19. Not at the same time Bob!modeling is not recommended whilst under the influence Kind Regards Nigel
  20. I have to agree with Mark on this one Bob,if there was ever a time to sit back,chill and admire your handywork with your favourite tipple,this is it Kind Regards Nigel
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