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Everything posted by NMBROOK

  1. Great to see your work in place Alexander That is one gorgeous looking model Kind Regards Nigel
  2. Fabulous work Bob I think you must be overdue a post in latest full profile picture as we keep seeing snippets,go on spoil us with a full length shot,she must be looking pretty amazing by now Kind Regards Nigel
  3. Ahh that may explain it today was the first time I have seen the pics of the skeleton mate However I do not frequently go back to the start of the log Kind Regards Nigel
  4. I think those look great mate!.They are not the easiest of jobs at that size One question for you,am I going mad,or have you added some pics at the start of your log?I had been wondering what provision you had made for the cannons on the lower decks and now there are some photos that answer my question Kind Regards Nigel
  5. Great work Jan The spouts look fantastic,not looking forward to doing mine,probably going to carve one from boxwood as a pattern and then cast in resin.The are just so small at this scale Kind Regards Nigel
  6. Simply outstanding Doris !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kind Regards Nigel
  7. Hi Frank Having read through your log,I have to say fantastic work !!.You have some great weathering techniques on display Kind Regards Nigel
  8. Nice to see some pics up Eamonn Coming on well mate.As for my entry into 'name that piece',I would have to say in all likelyhood there may not be a nautical name for it.I had a brief look at my reference material and on the real vessel this would obviously be made of separate parts which would be named individually,so as an assembly I think Tony is probably right.As regards your 'wipe on poly' can you not just experiment wiping on normal poly?It would probably require thinning a little.Keith Julier used to apply normal poly to his decks to seal them by wiping Kind Regards Nigel
  9. Excellent work Alexander Producing the carving in two halves makes an awful lot of sense when the relief work is double sided. Kind Regards Nigel
  10. Hi Peter Have you tried searching for preprofiled wood for case making,it is available in the UK,so I would have thought it would be available where you are based? Kind Regards Nigel
  11. Hi Michael I do see where you are coming from there.I cannot be doing with the faff of making my own,I would rather spend the time on other parts of the build.I too am considering ordering in from Chuck,including replacing the kit blocks with Pear ones,for my Caroline build.I haven't taken a sidestep to assess my requirements yet. Kind Regards Nigel
  12. Yes,I only wanted more flexibility than the collet sizes for drilling holes,not for milling.I completely agree with what you say.The collets only go down to 1mm,so I wanted something to hold the tiny drills. Kind Regards Nigel
  13. Hi Keith, I have the 'engraving' attachment and have used it to produce some window frames on mass.Check out my milling and jig making thread in the jig section.It does explain how I went about it.The technique has not been perfected,but once I have ironed out the teething troubles,I am hoping to be able to use this for mass cutting of shapes.You could do it freehand but the device doesn't move as freely as you would imagine,so I machined guides in the template for the stylus to follow. Kind Regards Nigel
  14. Wonderful work Doris The swivel guns are not supplied in the Panart kit,but I will confess,I will cheat and buy some.I could not comprehend making them from card like you have ! Kind Regards Nigel
  15. In answer to your question YES,I hate the stuff with a passion.Aside from the grain being overscale,it is just far too 'flaky' for my liking.I habitually replace walnut now when it is supplied in kits.It is unfortunate that the good stuff like pear and boxwood are so expensive,however they are so much nicer to work,it is worth it in the long run IMHO. Kind Regards Nigel
  16. That looks simply stunning Matti Like the rest of your build,it just looks real! Kind Regards Nigel
  17. I think you may have miss understood my post Alexander.The Russian English translator is not the best.I really don't know what it must have said at the other end I meant it was your choice to say who you produce these carvings for.I know you are posting on here to show how you do it and I am sure I speak for everyone when I say we are very grateful for you doing this. Kind Regards Nigel
  18. Fabulous to see the work in progress pictures I was aware that you produce carvings to order for various master modelers,but it was not my place to say anything I can see a lot of sense in that specialist tasks are given to certain individuals.With following the shipmodels forum I realise that several modelers have certain specialties and offer their services to other modelers. Kind Regards Nigel
  19. I would advise the client not to fit it until the end of the build!! All that work and it gets caught whilst doing the rigging would be devastating. Kind Regards Nigel
  20. Fabulous Alexander A truly beautiful piece of carving!You must have taken extreme care to avoid anything breaking off,particularly the claws that run against the grain. Kind Regards Nigel
  21. That looks fabulous mate!!!Once again you have demonstrated your ability to 'pull something out of the hat' in an area you have no previous experience in!.I would allay any fears you have over rigging my friend,I am sure will excel in that,like you have in the other areas of your build. Kind Regards Nigel
  22. Coming on well Buddy The contrast of timbers at the transom sounds a very nice idea I confess to watching Father Ted and am at present a big fan of Mrs Brown's boys Kind Regards Nigel
  23. I agree with your philosophy regarding the forum Nils.I am not 'falling out' with you over this Your post probably hasn't come across as intended.I feel you must appreciate though there are several 'prominent' model makers out there(I am not going to mention names) who have written books etc,and were they to start posting on here,they would be inundated with so many questions,they wouldn't have time to do anything else. So Nils,we shake hands,and enjoy your weekend Kind Regards Nigel
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