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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. Oh...I like the new look! Best of luck on planking the lower hull. I'm sure it will look great!
  2. Bob: Thank-you! You'll notice I already changed my screen name. Robbyn: Thank-you! It's been good 'therapy' to be back building again!
  3. She's really coming along nicely Andy! My husband is quite impressed with your work on the hull and old style boom feed hopper, which he worked on and remembers quite well from his days in the shipyard.
  4. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful work Doris! Your work is truly an inspiration!
  5. Augie: Thank-you! In this case the cold weather has been a good thing for the shipyard. Sjors: Thank-you! Maybe it won't be so long for the next update...hopefully. Grant: Thank-you! I had tried to cut the curved railings from some flat stock that I had but the tiny little ends kept breaking - the dowel method proved to be quite easy. Daniel: Thank-you! This is when I start to really enjoy the build the most, but not looking forward to the 100 plus cannons that have to be made sometime in the very near future! John: Thank-you as well! Glad to be back!
  6. Popeye: Thank-you! You know the old saying: "Necessity is the mother of invention." Piet: Thank-you! Michael: Thank-you as well! Edwin: Thank-you! All the best to you, and yours for 2014!
  7. Have to agree with everyone.....looking great. I think you may have some patent infringements on your hands - I may have used that very 87 degree right angle myself. Then there's the 93 degree right angle
  8. Thank-you to everyone for the kind words and support. The shipyard was quiet for a while, but lately I found the time and desire to make sawdust again. Now on to the update. I managed to cut the curved railings at the bow from a half dowel that I had first hollowed with some of my carving tools, and then installed them. I used some brass wire, which I coiled, cut, and flattened, for the outer face of the round gun ports. The railings are finished, as well as one of the stern decorations. The flash was a little extreme in this photo and as a result the blue appears much brighter than it really is. And this is where she stands at the moment.
  9. I finally got caught up on your progress - everything is looking terrific! Happy New Year!
  10. Just when I think your work can't get any better......it does! It truly is a work of art! It is an absolute joy to see.
  11. What beautiful symmetry you have managed to achieve, which is beautifully shown on that last photo from the 'head on' perspective!
  12. Terrific recovery Augie! The planking is looking great! The Confed really has nice lines that are becoming more defined with each section of planking!
  13. I can't express it much better than everyone already has, but I will say it really does look wonderful - definitely something of which you can be very proud! Congratulations!!! Now on to San Ildefonso!
  14. Was what I read on another thread in the forum right - you finished Le Mirage? Pictures!!!
  15. Janos - Thanks for the info on the Micromotor! I'll be putting that on my Christmas list. What burs do you find are the best? Mark, you're Druid is lovely. I happen to have some Minwax gel stain in a very light colour that I will be experimenting with.
  16. Thanks again for the remarks and the tips! Mark: This ship has a lot of carvings in its future and I'll probably step up to boxwood or pear. Nenad and Joe: The figurehead was carved entirely with a scalpel. I just bought some new tiny tips for my dremel and will try them out on the next carving. sudomekh: Wow, very nice!
  17. Thanks again everyone! As usual, lots of great tips and ideas. Augie, pre-stain conditioner is always in stock at my house. I've done some furniture refinishing over the years and it's worth its weight in gold and I can see that it's a necessity for basswood. JPett, those photos really do help me to visualize the finished product...definitely leaning toward the lighter one.
  18. Thank-you all for the replies! You have all reinforced my own inclination to not paint, but rather lightly stain and seal. Even though the San Felipe's real life existence is deeply in question, I still am trying to represent it as a period Spanish Galleon and keep it as authentic as possible. Thanks Druxey for one of the bits of information I was looking for: "There are no wrongs or rights, really." John: I have done a little carving in the past. I have a 3 foot long scenic carving that has been sadly neglected and unfinished - will have to remedy that in the future. So many interests....so little time!
  19. I have found some wonderful information on carving figureheads, which woods to use etc. but I haven't managed to find anything on what type of finish to use. I hand carved this figurehead from a small block of basswood and now I'm not sure how to proceed with the finishing. On the kit models of the San Felipe, the manufacturer provides a brass cast figurehead. Does this then mean that the originals were gilded wood, or brass, or is this just artistic license on behalf of the kit companies? I'm torn as to whether I should just seal it with a satin poly, use a very light stain and then seal, or paint it with a gold paint and add accent colours for the flag portion on the "face"? Any ideas, or suggestions greatly appreciated.
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