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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. Since my last update I have applied one coat of wipe on poly which darkened the hull to a moderate degree. The starboard gun port liners are now cut, painted brown, and installed. Two trim/molding pieces were fabricated and fixed to the edges of the lower balcony, as well as finishing the remainder of the decorative S braces between the upper and lower balcony. More decorations were fabricated and added to the stern section. Now to get busy and make the port side liners for a total of 92 rectangular gun port liners!
  2. Thank-you everyone for the kind comments and "likes". They are appreciated very much! Regarding comments on the existence of San Felipe, please refer to my very first post in this log: link to first post
  3. Looks like your usual high standard of craftsmanship continues!
  4. Looking great Sjors! She'll really start to take shape now.
  5. ??????? I must be looking at the wrong pictures - looks really nice to me!
  6. Crackers: Thank-you! I was definitely caught off guard by Doris' comment, and very pleased of course. Grigory: Thank-you very much for the compliment! I viewed your work as well and it is looking very good!
  7. That's what makes your whole ship lovely - so much attention to even the smallest bits!
  8. Wonderful job Matti! The cannons look even better on deck! The entire ship is beautiful, especially in the sunlight.
  9. Matti: Thank-you....now, if I can only get my cannons to look like yours! Bindy: Welcome to my build log, and Thank-you for more "wows". The next update will probably be a little on the dull side...gun port liners....92 of them! Patrick: Thank-you! You're not too late - the party's not over until my ship is finished! (which, when I look ahead at all that still has to be done, may be a very long time!)
  10. Definitely the beginning of a great ship! If the rest of the model turns out this well, (which I'm sure it will) she will be a beauty!
  11. Looks great....I'm trying very hard to NOT be jealous of all those new toys! Oh well....I think I'll go "play" in my shipyard for a while, with my old hand tools.
  12. I agree with everyone...very nice job on the rigging. I can't figure out how you do it so fast. It seemed like ti took forever for me to do the rigging on my Mayflower!
  13. Beautiful job on the ratlines! You definitely have that mastered!
  14. WOW!!! That is so impressive it's beyond words!
  15. I used birch veneer for my deck planking. I brushed it with Minwax pre-stain wood conditioner and then one light coat of honey maple stain. I found it relatively easy to work with.
  16. Sjors: Okay, we won't tease you anymore. Nigel: Thank-you! Working at this scale has been a challenge at times. Mark: I used Winsor & Newton artist acrylics, but I mixed my own shade of blue and stored it in a jar in case I need more later. Unfortunately I don't usually record the formula, I just keep mixing until I see a shade I like.
  17. Beautiful job Kevin - always thought Victory was a wonderful ship and your model is doing her justice!
  18. Those cannon look terrific! Looking forward to see exactly how you rig them.
  19. Along with everyone else, I'm glad you are feeling better! The symmetry in your shrouds and around the tops is wonderful - so neat and tidy! Oh, by the way, no more chest infections for you - stay healthy!
  20. Doris: Thank-you for your generous comment, it is greatly appreciated! I have to tell you though, it is your work and artistry that is an inspiration to the rest of us! Steve: Thank-you! It was actually Sjors that left that comment and I forgot to include his name in the qoute.
  21. Grant: Thank-you! I have to sheepishly confess that I am really soaking up these "wows". That made me laugh. With my strange sense of humour, I'm sitting here picturing my little balcony attached to your house! Maybe the butterflies could use it? Thanks for the compliment! Michael: Thank-you! Can't deny it, I definitely have a love for wood working. Something tells me that a few other people here are the same.
  22. When I saw your build in my notifications I thought: "Yay, Doris has posted an update with more pictures!" Your updates never disappoint, and as always, your work is absolutely beautiful!
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