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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. Thank-you Augie. "Speechless".......I looked at your 2,873 posts and..............not sure whether I should comment on that or not? (sorry.....couldn't resist)
  2. Popeye: Okay, okay...don't want to start any trouble! Robbyn: Hey, wait a minute there! We just seem like dorks because we do things differently. :D Seriously though, thanks! I guess pride does enter into it a little bit....I'd just like to see how much of this can be done from scratch. I will probably buy blocks and rigging line from Chuck, but that's it.....hopefully. The scale was also a factor, at 1:96 these things are pretty small.
  3. Great job on the fix! Railings and pin rails are looking good too! I'm anxious to get my railings on now!
  4. Grant: You know what they say about necessity being the mother of invention.....besides, if there's an unusual way to do something, I'll find it! Popeye: Thanks again! I've already thanked my husband for the soapstone tip. That fine powder does wonders on a sticky drawer too - makes it slide smoothly. Adrieke: Thank-you! Did I mention I think I may be permanently cross-eyed now!
  5. I think we all have "blonde moments". Some of us are just able to cover the faux pas before we're found out.
  6. Sjors: A dozen?!! I think my little termites can only manage the ones I need for my ship ...maybe your gnomes can give you some help. I have already discovered how sharp that scalpel is! My ship has been christened a few times with blood - and it's not even near being ready to launch! Bob: Thanks! The longer strips are solid and the cross pieces are separate little pieces of wood.........so........only 5,000 tiny blocks. Popeye: Thank-you as well! You're right about the 1/32, but it's flat sheet instead of square stock, and I cut the strips. My husband is a retired pressure pipe welder/fitter and has a stockpile of soapstone sticks - for marking steel pipe. He seems to have found innumerable uses for these little things. He suggested that I sand the stick with very fine paper and rub the resulting powder into the jig surface - works like a charm!
  7. Finally have a small update. For lack of proper tools...I present my labour intensive method of grating construction. Actually, after I made the jig it went more quickly. Now I am working on the rubbing strakes/wales - pictures next week - hopefully.
  8. I've browsed your log before without leaving any comment, but I finally had to say it's really a beautiful ship....great job!
  9. She does look impressive indeed. I probably missed it in an earlier post, but how long is you ship?
  10. "Sitting pretty" as the saying goes. I think you be able to tackle her with more enthusiasm once you've had a little break.
  11. Both great choices. Good luck on the builds! Make sure you start a log and I'll be watching for it.
  12. My husband and I sang at many weddings and other functions. He has a spectacular voice.....I am known as "filler". Looks like I'm about to pick up another gold band with this post and it happened on "SeeYours" log!
  13. Thanks Rowan! There are no links in your signature, are you building anything at the moment?
  14. Very well done! It doesn't matter what page you're on....as long as we are all on the same page! Thanks for the pictures.
  15. Superb workmanship! She's really lovely and, yes, the spars are just right! Looking forward to the next build.
  16. I had to go get my ladder to see the masts! They are looking great!
  17. After seeing your lovely Syren, I hardly think this is an accurate statement! This build will be no less beautiful...it's well on its way.
  18. Okay....I looked at the unexpected serious answer from John, then I looked at my comment. My neurons were apparently not firing when I typed that!!! It should have read: I`m trying to imagine how large the cotton cannon balls would have to be in order to be 12 pounds!! Andy is thinking more along the same lines I was!
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