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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. I'm trying to imagine how large the cannon balls would have to be in order to be 12 pounds!!! Not to detract from your build Augie.......the start to the gun port framing looks terrific!
  2. Starting with perfection....again. The adjustments for the stem and sternpost are wonderful, and I'm definitely tucking that idea away for future use.
  3. The tops are looking great! Paint or stain.....they'll look terrific either way.
  4. It's amazing what sails do for a model. They just seem to make the boat "grow up" into a ship! Good luck on the running rigging...you're off to a good start! Can't offer any better advice on belaying than has already been given!
  5. Now you are all starting to make me Piet: Thank-you! Marty: Thank-you as well! marktiedens: Thank-you! Since you've already built this ship, you know how many more carvings I have to do! Grant: Thank-you! The 1:1 scale practice was a lot easier! Popeye: Thank-you! Milling my own wood is partly of necessity. I don't live close to any hobby stores, and would have to order the wood...that just seemed too expensive and not necessary since I have the tools and the wood with which to work right here. Sjors: Thank-you! Maybe I could sell the idea to them! You're right about winter too, hopefully I will have more updates! Anja: Thank-you! Maybe I should think about safety railings now? Matti: Thank-you! I wasn't too sure about the blue at first, but now that it's on I think it looks good. Bob: Thank-you! Not sure I can keep things up to everyone's expectations now! Frank: Thank-you! The blue colour is brighter looking in the photos...it has an even warmer look in person. You're right..........***disappears quietly into the darkside abyss...................bye*** Did I mention how addictive this ship modelling thing is?! Mark: Thank-you! Not sure about "perfect" but I am happy with it. Robbyn: Thank-you! the new avatar looks good! The trap door just seemed like the thing to do...I didn't want to have to bring out the microscope so visitors could strain to see the interior cabin through the tiny windows!!! I think the blue won't be quite as "stark" once the hull has some wipe-on poly applied...that will make the walnut much darker. Adrieke: Thank-you for the "wow"! Steve, Steve, Steve..........what am I going to do with you? ***sighs*** There always has to be one wise guy in every bunch.....well........maybe two or three.....you know who you are. Don't you know I have a wood stretcher? All kidding aside though, for anyone taking this too seriously, the statement with my photo reads: "The following picture shows a SIMILAR block of wood beside some of the finished strips I cut." I had the original all cut up before I even thought of a photo.
  6. Thank-you all for your very generous and kind comments!!! They are truly appreciated! :) Wes: I'm anxious to see how the finished walnut will look, but I'll have to be patient since there are a few things to do before that. Augie: I think I can plank in my sleep now --- my husband and I just finished wood flooring in two rooms of our house (just like planking/decking, but bigger ) and then the same thing all over again, only in miniature. Andy: I just happened to have a few days recently to "play" in the shipyard. Hopefully I'll have another update before too long.
  7. I mixed and experimented with a few colour variations and finally decided on this: This last couple of pictures shows where the ship stands currently. I managed to get the poop deck in place. I didn't want to totally cover up the captain's cabin and all the furniture, so I made a "trap door" of sorts with a mirror on the underside.
  8. Several weeks ago I rescued a block of nice dry cherry from the woodpile and dried it further in the house. The following picture shows a similar block of wood beside some of the finished strips I cut. I am planning to make most of the deck furniture from this wood. I have actually used a little bit of it to make the gratings at the bow.
  9. No more detours or distractions - the final planking is done!!! (YAY) Spiling the planks at the bow took considerable time, but was well worth the effort. Thankfully, I had plenty of wide sheets of wood to allow for this technique. Without further ado - an update!
  10. Thank-you Wes! There are many, many carvings/decorations to come! I may cheat and form some of them from fimo polymer clay...we'll see.
  11. Forgot to include this little diagram. It helped me with my Mayflower - there are no trucks and ribs (beads and parrels) and it helped me visualize the actual attachment without the little bits in the way. Hopefully this helps.
  12. This may help. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/2653-how-to-attach-the-mast-to-the-yard/
  13. I see you've made quite a bit of progress since I last looked in on your build. The ratlines are looking great.
  14. The futtock staves and boomkins look great! Chuck's blocks look wonderful and I'm probably going to be ordering some in the future.
  15. You are moving forward at an amazing pace! False deck and stern framing looks great! I can tell already she's going to be a beauty.
  16. Have to agree with everyone else...she really is lovely! Looking forward to the final pictures.
  17. Doesn't it feel good to have this part done?! To top it all off, it looks great!
  18. The ratlines are looking good...they really add to a ship!
  19. Thank-you so much for the kind words Grant and Paul! Paul: It is very difficult to achieve a smooth surface with basswood. I tried all grades of sandpaper for woodworking and had the best result with automotive grit 1200.
  20. The fully served strops may have been "fun" but they turned out very well! Your serving looks great....all your rigging is very neat and tidy!
  21. Very nice Augie! I think this is a great feature....not just to show how the framing would look behind the planking, but also to give the illusion of a POF...great idea!
  22. Looks great Sjors...........and there's actually a ship on this build log! Funny thing is, this one is supposed to be the mirage. :D
  23. Just finished catching up and am looking forward to this build with great interest. Your keel and stem are nothing less than exceptional - not surprising after following your Naiad!
  24. John, Matti, Robert and Rob - Thank-you all for the generous comments! They are greatly appreciated!
  25. I have to say that I am both humbled and encouraged by all your generous comments! Thank-you! It makes me want to "carve up a storm". Sjors: Are you sure? It could be something new...instead of tattoos, you could have carved figures...maybe gnomes! John: Thank-you! I tried using an Xacto knife, but the scalpel is finer and much sharper which I think is the key to carving basswood. Bob: Thank-you! Wayne: Thank-you as well! I am amazed that everyone else is so amazed!
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