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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. Piet: Thanks for the good wishes and prayers...and I do plan to take my time. I want to get it right! Sjors: Maybe by the time I'm ready for ratlines your pigeon and his wife will have a big family and you can send them all over here. Popeye: Thanks for the good wishes. I'll soon be ready for the first planking, and then more updates. Bender: Thanks! I've found answers to some of my questions by viewing your San Felipe log. It's been a great help.
  2. Every time I stop by your build I'm amazed - such precision on such a small piece! Absolutely spectacular! The capstan plans for my San Felipe show the bars placed on the deck around the capstan...I'm guessing to keep them out of the way until needed. Was this common practice on the British ships as well, or just something unique to Spanish ships or maybe just the manufacturer of the plans?
  3. Furled sails look great! I'm thinking about doing the same with my ship...when the time comes much, much later.
  4. Kevin: I will indeed post a photo to the thread you suggested - Thanks! Andy: Thanks for the link...I will research those LEDs, they do look tiny. Augie: Thank-you for best wishes...I hope he improves too. You're right about the attraction to wood. I know the current interior decorating trend is to paint over hardwood trim, solid wood furniture and even hardwood floors!!! I could never bring myself to do that whatever the trend! I guess that's why I didn't paint my Mayflower white below the waterline...even though it would have been more historically correct, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Paul: Thank-you as well for your best wishes and prayers. Sjors: Thank-you! Wisdom would show that it is better to start with something easier and work up to a more difficult build...funny thing is I forgot to read the book on wisdom. The other book I should read is patience...I just couldn't wait so I jumped right into a scratch build. (The other reason would be the $1,100.00 price tag for the kit model.) Pigeon? Do you think he will help? Robbyn: Thank-you! - I'll do my best! Hopefully no big blunders or injuries. I no sooner read your first post about the hand injury and I dropped, and shoved, my scalpel into my thigh! Not nearly the injury yours was, and the doctor just glued it closed! As for the scratch build...go for it. I think you've learned the skills to do it! I've only just started and I love it! Anja: Thank-you to both you and Sjors! You are indeed very kind! I've seen the comments here on MSW about that very thing and I agree.
  5. You must have sent the package to Canada too - beautiful sunny morning here!
  6. Anja: Thank-you! I am happy to have had some time to do a bit of building. As for my avatar...I didn't use my own picture when I first joined MSW because I wasn't sure about the website or the members. Now I know it's a great forum with great people! My daughter is doing very well now, but my brother is not well at all - he's quite sick. Thank-you for your kindness in asking! Paul: Thank-you! I really like working with wood and it's a challenge to keep it neat and straight.
  7. Thanks Mark...I've already read all the lighting articles here. I think I have a handle on it...I think My biggest obstacle is the scale...which I knew could cause some difficulty before I ever started. I'm just stubborn enough to not give up too.
  8. The brass strip was definitely the way to go...great looking shackle!
  9. Augie: Thanks! I am enjoying this part...not looking forward to ratlines later on...much later! Andy: Thanks! Those micro LEDs sound interesting...any tips on where to get them? Steve: Thanks! I think you'll be very happy with the San Felipe...she's a beautiful ship! Only those of us in this hobby can understand what it's like waiting for a new kit or supplies! Michael: Thanks! It always feels good to get a bit more done on the build! Popeye: Thanks! The lighting...go for it! The first ship I saw it on was Mark Taylor's...then I found a few others and really liked the look! I hope I can be planking before too long...probably not as soon as I'd like though.
  10. The gratings and beak turned out really well! I remember all the little bits were fun on my last build.
  11. Here the balsa gun blocks are in place. I also added an additional filler piece at the bow. I've also been researching led lighting and am experimenting with placement. They are just loosely in place here until I get the main deck on and holes drilled for them. I used 3mm yellow/orange led lights and 360 Ohm carbon resistors. The light wiring is too large in diameter to fit in the brass tubing for the stern lanterns...but I think I have a great idea for that when the time comes. (stay tuned for that - later on)
  12. Finally found some time to make a bit more progress. Here the lower decks are in place.
  13. Gun port lids are looking great! I don't want to rush my build, but I'm looking forward to when I get to the 'fiddly' bits. Looking forward to mor pictures!
  14. Ahhh...I see you did make some good progress! Nice job on the repair. Thanks for the pictures.
  15. I will never look at my pump hairspray bottle the same way again! Fiberglass hair...hmmmm...doesn't conjure up a great image. As someone with experience I'll add a word of caution with hairspray...humidity will cause the stuff to degrade in a short time. I used it for craft purposes over the years, only to discover that some of the items I sprayed have holes in them and are tacky feeling!!! Especially natural materials like cotton etc.
  16. Definitely have to agree with Robbyn on your humor! And I think I really like rule number 5: "Help each other with the ratlines, don't let the builder do it alone!" And when it's time for ratlines on my build everyone can help me.
  17. Beautiful and precise...as usual! I had to bring my husband in and show him the brass bar you cut in 20 minutes!!!!!!! I'm into all things wood...he's into metal. He admired your work very much, as do I!
  18. Congratulations Anja! Hope this new contract with Sodexo works out better than you could have expected! Looking forward to progress on your d'Halve Maen.
  19. Glad to hear you're back and best wishes that you'll heal quickly!
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