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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. More pictures...yay! Deadeyes are looking great!
  2. Just found your build log! Everything is looking great! You should make a link to your build in your signature.
  3. Doris, your work is stunning as always! The improved crowns just show your determination to make this model as perfect as possible. Always a joy to look at your build log and progress!
  4. I'll agree with everyone else...you are really 'sailing' through this part of the build, and it looks great!
  5. Popeye: Thanks! He might not have any crew to command though. I'll just have to wait and wee if there are any more little people hiding in my little bits of wood. Sjors: Maybe I will carve a 'Sjors' for real...holding cotton balls. Paul: Thanks! 300! I think I would be carving in my sleep! Frank: Thank-you!
  6. The video and sound were fine for me, and I use IE. Dan is right, it can be slow, but worked for me.
  7. I totally agree with everyone! Beautiful job on the yards! I think I'll be like Grant and "follow suit" with the wire stirrups!
  8. Just got caught up on your log. Hope you are recovering quickly and wish you well!
  9. Michael: Thank-you! I'll be fashioning some other small carving tools later for the ship's ornamentation - the scalpel will still be used though, with caution! Sjors: Anja says you have two ships of your own to be Captain on! Anja: Thank-you! The carving work is not too hard...it's the eyes that don't work like they used to. As for Sjors...I can always count him for a laugh And no, he can't be Captain on my ship. I'll just call my little guy Captain Phil (Felipe). Robert: Thank-you as well! Hopefully the carvings for the actual ship will go well.
  10. Augie: Thanks! It was a fun diversion. Steve: Thanks! That's on part of the build I'm really looking forward to...the carving. 300+ sailors to go???!!! Mark: Thanks...it's much appreciated! Stelios: Thanks for stopping by! Grant: Thanks! I may just make a few more crew...we'll see. Robbyn: Thanks! I'll try to continue to use the scalpel for this 'better use'.
  11. Forgot to mention that he was carved almost entirely using a scalpel.
  12. Today I got a little distracted and decided the San Felipe needed a captain! I carved him from a tiny bit of basswood... and he is 1:96 scale to match the ship. He's standing on a practice run of planking. First picture shows the unpainted and the second shows the painted. For reference, I've placed him on a Canadian dime, which is our smallest coin in physical size - 11/16" or 17mm (approximately)
  13. Steve: I went back over the plans as well...I have to do some thinking as to whether I will do it just as the plans show or venture off on my own...we'll see. I did see Carlosys build. I actually saw it complete on another website...it is very informative. Anja: Thank-you! I think you're right about the extra layer adding enough stability...and yes, I will need luck sawing the bulkhead tops! Sarah: Thank-you! When you decide to venture off into scratch building I know you will enjoy it. The "few" models you mentioned I have - this is actually my second. Sjors: Yes, it does make sense...thank-you. I'll do my best not to have the planks end above a hole. You weren't late...right on time. Jerry: Thank-you for stopping by and the generous comment!
  14. Steve: Makes total sense...I pretty much already knew the proper the order, but just didn't think the structural stability would be there. I guess the inner planks on the wales will do the trick. My idea on the planking was maybe to plank out as close to the edge as possible - just because the access is better at this stage. Later, after the planks/strips on the inside, I would finish the deck planking. I'm not decided on this...just sort of 'thinking out loud." Frank: Thank-you! I have a habit of searching around the house and workshop for things already on hand...such as the moulding...it just seemed like it would work.
  15. I also have the filler pieces for the guns painted black. Makes me think about all the cannons I'm going to be making later!!!
  16. Maybe this makes sense to others out there, but I find it a little unusual. The plans show the first planking being started (first photo) and then the tops of the bulkheads being 'snapped' off (second photo). It leaves me wondering what the planking is attached to, other than the edges of the planks themselves? The planks are attached at the first and then the 8th -12 bulkheads. Hopefully this will add enough structural stability. After all this, then the deck planking will begin. It seems like that would be easier now, but I can't do the deck until the bulkheads are 'snapped' off. Here I'm scoring the bulkhead tops for easier breaking later.
  17. Robert: Thanks for stopping by and thank-you for the encouraging words! By the time I'm finished San Felipe I probably will have been scratch building for years! Grant: Thanks for stopping by and thank-you for positive feedback and good wishes for my family! Steve: I have the frames and filler pieces glued in position and the main deck is on not planked yet though. The porticos are in place as well...I'll try to post later today.
  18. Wow! Beautiful job...talk about taking a kit to the next level! I love the rich wood tones, and the capstan...star and all...terrific! Will be watching from here on out.
  19. Steve: Thanks for the good wishes for my brother and daughter! Thanks for the link to the model railroading lights too - I checked them out and they look very interesting. The idea of flaming/flickering lights would add a touch more realism, but I have to confess the lights I bought from ebay were $2.00 and the resistors $1.50 and I like that price point better....we'll call this my budget ship.
  20. Yet another installment of beautiful precision! It looks terrific!
  21. Wow! You really have been busy! Everything is looking very good...thanks for the pictures.
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