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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. I'm not sure how I missed your build on the old site, but I'm definitely going to be following from now on! She's a beautiful ship!
  2. Thanks for stopping by Tony, Russ and Anja! Tony - Glad the tip worked for you. Do you have a build log of your Mayflower?
  3. I have decided! I was given pob plans for the San Felipe and I'm going to take the plunge into scratch building!
  4. Frank wrote: I probably didn't have the log back up and running then, but I finished it up today!
  5. I'm working on the topsails now...I'm excited to see it nearly finished, but disappointed at the same time. Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 12:49 pm FINSIHED! More photos of the finished work can be seen on the gallery page FInished Mayflower
  6. The next two photos show a blunder I made with the mainstay. As you can see in the first photo, I had the stay over the rail. I'm still scratching my head over that one. I knew from the diagram that it did not go there, but I guess in my zeal to get some rigging in place, that's where it ended up. At any rate, the second photo shows it corrected. Originally Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 Fixed. I used a jig to get the correct spacing for the mizzen shroud deadeyes, but found it hard to maneuver around it, so I did the main shroud deadeyes freehand - I think they turned out reasonably well. I've just started working on the ratlines. I tried a couple of ways to finish the ends, and decided that seizing them was more time consuming and not very noticeable when finished. I decided to use the method that I had seen a couple of more experienced builders use. I've learned many useful methods from the many experienced builders here! I am happy though to report that the ratlines are finally finished! Originally Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:03 pm Main Yard. I have most of the yards rigged now and hope to soon move on to the sails. Originally Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 I was never really happy with my guns for the ship, so I decided to do them over. I have just started them and have quite a bit of work yet to do on them. I'm using a trick of my father's. His galleon had guns made from pencils. Once the graphite is removed - I'll have perfect bore! Maybe not as technical or perfect as some guns I've seen here on MSW, but a neat little trick I think anyway. In retrospect, I'll call this the good, the bad and the ugly with the ugly removed in the following photos. I've managed to make a little more progress on my Mayflower - finally. The spritsail yard and sail: Originally Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 I had a hard time deciding how I wanted the sails displayed, and settled on furled (probably more acurately "clewed") at least for the lower sails.
  7. Great to see your log back up! When I saw you scaled down "The Incredible Shrinking Man" popped into my head.
  8. Definitely wonderful to see your Naiad back! Exceptional build!
  9. Great build! Glad to hear you will be posting your log for San Felipe again.
  10. Working on the masts here. Just put the dead-eyes in place and now have to urethane the masts. Then probably the biggest challenge of all - the rigging. Well, here's my progress. The Mizzen shrouds, tackles and stay. Originally Posted: Tue May 15, 2012
  11. Thanks Mark! It's great to be able to put this log back! Great to watch your build as well.
  12. I know that the Mayflower was a merchant ship, but she did carry some canons. I like the look of at least some canon ports open. The kit does not come with any guns, so I set out to make some from dowel. This is how they turned out. I know they are a little "chunky" and probably a little out of scale for the ship, but this was my first shot at it. (no pun intended) - Originally Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 Later in the log these guns ended up in the scrap bin and I re-made them, but thought I should include the bad with the good! This, as everyone out there already knows, was a daunting task...planking the hull. I was fairly proud of this accomplishment! Again, so glad that I learned here, to add steelers. Otherwise the planking probably would have swept wildly upward at the bow. This was an older kit as well, and the wood was very dry. A dip in warm water for a while took care of that. Now the rubbing strakes and gun ports have been added. This is one of the plastic boats that came with the kit. This is what I did instead: Now she's been stained. The wood that came with the kit was all really pale in colour. I chose not to do the hull in white below the water line. This stern detail was before I toned down the bright blue windows. Boats are finished
  13. One thing I had not done was to take more photos of my build in its early stages... The next photos show: The keel. The frames in place, Frames at stern and Decking in place - Originally Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 Decking view from stern. Now ready to start the planking. Billing Boats plans are lacking, especially for a beginner. Never stated anywhere that this is when to start planking or even any tips. I'm so glad that I came across this website for help - even before I joined. Still very happy about htis site! Deck planking in place. I learned some tips on spacing, pattern etc.here. Also, there are too many plastic parts/fittings in this kit for my liking - I ended up replacing with wood, where I could, or at least covering the plastic with a veneer of wood.
  14. When I learned that all my data was lost here on MSW, a saying that I grew up with came to mind: "pull up your boot straps and keep going" So, here I am going on and re-posting! I used the google cached pages to search for my old build log and found it in its entirety! (minus the photos, which I have stored on my computer) For anyone interested: Type your username, ship name and modelshipworld in Google. When the results appear, hover over the arrows/chevrons to the right of one of the search results and a link will appear. Click on "cached" and you may well find your entire text from your log. Good Luck I don't plan to use all of the "found" text, but it will help with the order of my log. Any of the original text will appear in black and any new text will appear in blue. I am a good distance into this build. I just joined MSW and discovered that I could start a build log - so here goes. The kit:
  15. Glad to see your log up and running again. I'll be watching for more updates!
  16. Your San Francisco is something to be proud of! She's beautiful! I'm glad you are re-posting the log of a finished ship...that encourages me to post mine again.
  17. Your Victory is a beautiful ship - something to be proud of. Great attention to detail!
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