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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Denis I'm hooked! What is you deadline? This year or 2016 or 2017? The doors looks great, can't wait for the windows! I'm curious to know what you are making? Havagooday mate Greg
  2. G'day Alexandru Amazing skills that you have displayed! I'm for one is bloody jealous! Love your attention to details. Keep them coming mate please. Havagooday Greg
  3. G'day Dimitris I'm a bit confused! Which is the model and the real ship of the olympus? I assume the last photo is your model, but it's so bloody hard to tell them apart! If you keep up your normal standard, I for one, will be very envious of your talents!
  4. G'day Patrick Re the photos: you can always use a tripod to hold the camera and use a large f stop and a long exposure. That way you will get a deeper depth of field, or you can bugger it, it too much work. Lol. Havagooday mate Greg
  5. G'day Alexandru My mind is numb looking that that Incrediblywow way you done that wheel. As Mark said it's the most ingenious way ever to build it. Your talent is beyond words! Your lathe work is amazzzzzzzzing. How many rejects did you go through to get all of them done? Your patience is unbelievable! Greg
  6. G'day Patrick. Congratulations on a wonderful and different job. Scrathing your head head and using the grey matter​ does work. What are you going to do on the side of the transom next to the door? Also will you be making the two Runabouts and their details as well? Interesting! Well mate as I and many others has said before, this is where the fun starts! Keep up to your usual standards and this will be outstanding! The only problem that I can say about your scales models are: they are too bloody small to get a good depth of field when you take the photos! Havagooday mate Greg
  7. G'day Dimitris. I understand now what you were talking about. I also have a brain freeze and I think that I've proven it to on numerous occasions
  8. G'day Dimitris. Don't like to "put the spanner in the works" as the saying goes in Australia. But what is the correct height of the top mask? Does the 60mm or so has to spread over all the 3 sections of the mask. I had the same problem when I was working out the heights of each section on my Endeavour? I eventually blew up the drawings on AOTS The Endeavour to get what I wanted. Maybe you can get a profile photo AV and do the same. Just an idea! Hope that you don't mind me putting my 2 cents in. Havagooday mate Greg
  9. G'day dimitris That's a great idea. Make this model your own creation! As said before, keep up the great work havagooday mate Greg
  10. G'day Mark Did you say that you were trying to be a perfectionist! ........I would never have guessed. Again well done. Havagooday Greg
  11. Doing a beautiful job on the hull planking. So neat and after a sanding it will be outstanding! Wish I can do it that as good! Greg
  12. G'day Mark I've been suffering from lower back pain for the past 18 years and it's no good. I know what she's going through. PLEASE don't give into spinal fusion. All the people that I've known has regretted it. Use hot and cold pack, massage with deep heat and bed rest. The pain clinic was no good for me, I was expelled because my muscles were and still in, a constant state of movement and they couldn't get the needle in the right spot. As Jesse said, harder drugs are there to use under control by your doctor. They are very good if used wisely, and I was told at the pain clinic when I was there, you can't get hooked on the drugs if you need them. I'm a living example of that. Keep up her spirits is the best thing you can do! Cheers Greg
  13. G'day Mark My prayers are with you and your Misses. Hope everything will come out ok. God bless you all Greg
  14. It's definitely a great ship mate and you are going full steam ahead. So, it will be finished at this rate, and I, for one, will be very sad to say goodbye to this wonderful and informative log. Well done mate! Haveagreatone Greg
  15. G'day Patrick This is the part of your build that I looooove. Looking great and please keep them coming. Havagooday mate Greg
  16. Hahaha. That's our Ozzie sence of humour Danny! Well said. Havagooday mate Greg
  17. Thanks Danny That's what I thought, but wasn't sure. Told you it was a BUMB question! Cheers Greg
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