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Everything posted by sonicmcdude

  1. Nice build you got there Larry! Keep the pictures coming!
  2. Yeah! I'm a floor guy also. Hoping the Triton has this kind of floor because I want to try this on it.
  3. Looking good. I'm not sure about the aluminum profile because is not solid, but after all this is just a wood lathe. I think is great for the price. I'm not sure they will ship in Macedonia and if they are the cost will be 3 times more than the lathe. If you can, buy it. I'm hoping that the power drill is included .
  4. Thank you Fam for your reply. I was thinking the same about it because for all of the bulkheads is the same case but this one was really strange. I made this two templates one with the black and one with red line. I hope this will work.
  5. Welcome back! I think we started a similar build on a different scale (I'm on 1:72 lot smaller). You have a different approach on the POB, interesting it is. I will follow your build and I will hope to learn something from it.
  6. I'm still fairing the hull (struggling really ) and I'm not sure about the most complex bulkhead No 27 or the stern one. Below You can see on the picture I'm not sure about the fairing direction. Please help about it is it like on the picture (top view in relationship with stern - stem direction) or is opposite direction. Thank You !
  7. I didn't think that preparing for planking e.g. fairing the hull, and then inner framing will take that time to do. And on the other hand my modeling time is gone pretty small. I hope I will start planking soon
  8. Nice Start Ron! I think the Triton is the best for first build. And you have a full support from the members of the MSW.
  9. Oh wow this is great! Talking about details this is just awesome!
  10. Welcome back Gimo with your one of the best build on the old forum! Lot to learn here.. the flouring is as the real deal not on a model ship
  11. Welcome back Revier, hoping you will back your build log.
  12. Welcome back Dražen, and thank you for sharing your build, again!
  13. Welcome back! Is good to see that you restarted this tread. Keep the pictures coming!
  14. Nice start. What is the wood that you are using?
  15. Detail after detail...good to see you back with your beautiful build.
  16. That is a great tip there! Wow! Low tech solution for a low budget. And is relaxing to
  17. Jay, If there is a rules for making model ships according to location I will stop building them instantly . I have this I can proudly say LOVE to this hobby, maybe from the past life. And the sea is not that far if You think about it, I've been to Croatia, Albania, Greece, Bulgaria Monte Negro and they all have sea border. Yes I have a lot a poplar trees in my city.
  18. Thank you for sharing your so far beautiful build! keep the pictures coming!
  19. Now You will have to find some suitable bottle Is just awesome, so cute really.
  20. Oh wow!!!!!! this is just awesome to have this beauty in a living room.
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