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Everything posted by KeithAug

  1. Presumably the voyages were too short to worry about scurvy. (no veg pot)😀
  2. Hi JD Nice work on the planking. in some of the shots the planking wood looks quite fibrous. is that the case or is it just the magnification?
  3. The close up photo of the bridge helm position is particularly charming. What is next Ras?
  4. It is remarkable how quickly you work Nils particularly given the detail and quality you achieve. Excellent job and i look forward to the next one. Keith
  5. Beautiful detail Keith - creating the rigging detail must be a real challenge and you are doing so well.
  6. Well that was a bit of a lay off. My daughter bought a new house (at least new to her) and I have been doing various jobs. She has job in the city but the covid revolution means she can now do it from home so she has relocated to the countryside. I still have some jobs to do - particularly the garden which will take a while. I have managed to do a few boat jobs so this is a bit of a catch up. I have done all the block attachments to the masts. It took a while but here are the results. This is the main mast with the gaff saddle hoist block attached. Next the two topping lift blocks are attached to the main mast. Next the main mast gaff bridal blocks were attached. Then the fore mast bridal blocks. Then the fore mast saddle hoist block , the topping lift blocks and the spinnaker boom block. I also made a start on the sails, firstly by drawing patterns for the sails / seams and then transferring the seams on to the sailcloth using pencil lines. I'm not among those of you who diligently practice you sewing skills. I started with the mainsail (which is huge). I then applied the reinforcing using ripstop adhesive tape.
  7. I was quite enjoying hearing about all your youthful misadventures. The kids of today will be thinking you are all delinquents.
  8. Maybe it works better in the northern hemisphere where it was made😁😁 bath drain effect 😁
  9. I can think of a number of pros and cons for welding vs soft soldering. Why are you preferring welding?
  10. Yes Brian, our generation seemed to have lots of risky toy opportunities. My chemistry set even had a bunsen burner which I used for a bit of glass blowing. The kids today don't know what they are missing. On the theme of safety I hear they have pulled Humbrol enamel paints because of safety concerns. My understanding they are reformulating them prior to relaunch. In my experience "reformulating" is a euphemism for making stuff worse at doing its job. All of us who have used Humbrol paints since childhood should be considering legal action.
  11. Eberhard I left Rolls Royce in 1978 and joined BNFL based at Risley but working mostly on Sellafield projects. Initially I worked on Magnox reprocessing projects before moving on to take over the flowsheet design for the Thorp plutonium purification plant. I then moved on to waste treatment and was responsible for the design of the low active effluent treatment plant. After that it was solvent treatment as mentioned previously. Then Three Mile Island and Chernobyl happened and everything changed. I left BNFL in 1988 and moved to brewing where I damaged a lot more peoples lives than I ever did with nuclear energy.
  12. Yes I agree. I was once in charge of a team looking into options for treating waste solvent from a nuclear reprocessing facility. The waste solvent (tributylphosphate in odourless kerosene) was stored on site and we needed some way of treating it. One of the chemists came up with the idea of reacting the solvent with hydrogen peroxide and for a while this became the front runner of the options. It never inspired me as a great option as it seemed too much like rocket fuel to me. Anyway it was eventually dropped as an idea.
  13. Keith, yes it all depends on the type of plastic. Have you ever ever tried mixing hydrazine with peroxide - it makes wonderful rocket fuel and has even been known to dissolve pilots😬
  14. Not long ago I shipped a pair of collet chucks (1kg) from the Uk to Australia using the Royal Mail. The shipment went via air mail and cost £19 which I thought was pretty decent, it didn’t take long either. Everything was above board with all the correct customs declarations etc. It seems to me that some shipping costs are reasonable while others seem exorbitant. If I judge the total cost (price plus shipping) to be unreasonable I just don’t buy. In the instance of the 2 collects I actually bought them in the Uk for another msw member and he paid me for them and for the shipping via PayPal. This may be an option for some of you struggling with unreasonable shipping costs.
  15. Hi Keith, I am using Beadalon wire and the spec says the wire is nylon coated. I cut 3 different diameters of beading wire and placed them in sealed container of 99.8% acetone and left overnight. In the morning the nylon was pristine, showing no degradation. I then looked up the compatibility of nylon with acetone and found the compatibility to be “excellent” ( I.e acetone does not dissolve nylon ). Acetone does however dissolve a range of plastics. As an aside the acetone I have was bought in a plastic bottle - so clearly some plastics are acetone resistant. When you commented “It works” I am guessing you did a bit of experimenting? Dan, Tom, Keith, Hakan, thank you for your continuing interest and comments.
  16. Dan - thank you for the comments - I think I have sorted out the link but let me know if it doesn't work.
  17. Very impressive rope planning Pat. Is your rope walk a home design or a commercial unit?
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