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Everything posted by trippwj

  1. Not much i can add to what the others have said, Augie - NICE!!!!
  2. Kevin - given the amazing job you have done with the stern I can understand why you spend so much time gazing at it! Very nice work!
  3. Looking nice, Anja. That color will look really good on the hull.
  4. Those shrouds and deadeyes are coming together very nicely, Andy. Well done!
  5. Way to go, Anja! Your turn, Ma'am!!!
  6. OK - try this one on for size!
  7. SMS Prinz Adalbert?
  8. You're good, Danny! i gave up after 3 different searches didn't come up with anything resembling this one!
  9. Anja - let me join with the others - based on the work you have done on d'Halve Maen, I think you are, indeed, up to the task of scratch building. I will enjoy watching your artistry - I brought my own seat, though, as I know it is getting crowded!
  10. What they said, Mobbsie! She is looking very nice - now for those 17 bazillion copper plates.... As Mark would say, I'll get my hat and leave now....
  11. You, Sir, have some amazingly talented spiders! Looking very good! Now about that fishing - remember, it will be difficult to convince anyone that frozen cod filets or frozen Tilapia was fresh caught today! Enjoy - and look forward to the next update!
  12. Okay, Andy - my clock thingy says it is 05:43....that's morning, right?????
  13. Wow, Sjors - you are really spoiling us! Those are looking VERY good! That deserves a tip of the hat!
  14. Looking at your picture, Andy, and for a moment I thought you had broken someone's heart....
  15. Also would help if Augie didn't buy Tilapia and Salmon at the grocery store....
  16. Based on the engraving which is posted for sail (tee hee) that comes up with St. George's guess, I do believe he has it (it is the same picture posted for us to identify). Now to wait for official confirmation! http://www.memoryprints.com/image/451382/henry-john-vernon-artist-day-&-haghe-publishers-engravers-a-hinton-publisher-ackermann-&-co-publishers-hms-satellite
  17. Sjors & Danny - Do they make those in micro sizes? The deadeyes on my Harriet Lane are only 2.5mm in diameter, and the wire on the smallest threaders I have found locally is the same diameter as the holes in the deadeye - no way to fit the two wires through and still be able to pull the doubled line through the hole. Had to settle for hardening the end (about 10mm) of the line using thin CA and trimming back as it gets bent from my poor aim trying to thread it through the holes.
  18. Congratulations, Senor Adrieke! Not even one small, little picture for the update before you put the box away?
  19. Welcome aboard, Anja. Always a seat for you!!! No scale listed on the box or plans, but based on the length of the Connie (about 200 ft) and the model (3 inches) appears to be about 1:800 scale - but no ratlines on the plans (unless I really want to go crazy!)
  20. Good afternoon, Ian. I believe we bought it sometime in the 2005 time frame, so could be anywhere from 8 to 30 years old at this point. Skerryamp - that is cool! I had completely forgotten we had this until the Admiral found it in one of boxes that has been stored away for quite some time!
  21. Not a problem - each of my sons have a Phantom kit on the shelf here at home, so learning about it via other builds so I can steer them in the right direction when the time comes! A POB (Plank on Bulkhead) uses more or less solid bulkheads transverse to the keel to simulate frames as shown below. There are generally not as many frame pieces as in a POF (Plank on Frame) model. In a POF model, the individual frames are used. These can be fairly simle as in the Emma C. Berry (shown here) where the frames are laser cut as a single piece per side, to very complex where the frames are built up out of pieces (futtocks) that scarph (join) together from keel to rail. A POB is a great way to learn how to plank and turns out some beautiful results. A POF is nice if you want to build it in a manner similar to the way the innards of a real ship was built and also if you want to add a great deal of internal detail and perhaps leave some of the planking off to show off the structure.
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