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Everything posted by trippwj

  1. Well, I think we can all agree that it is NOT a helicopter....
  2. Too funny, Larry! Bet the poor Moose struggled reeling in the fisherman, though......
  3. Fantastic work, Mobbsie! Enjoy your vacation! Don't forget to take some pictures :D :D
  4. Augie - glad you enjoyed! Did the grocer have trout in stock this time?
  5. Available on Amazon in the US starting at $23 (plus shipping). http://www.amazon.com/HMS-Victory-Manual-1765-1812-Maintaining/dp/0857330853
  6. Michael - Chuck's Practicum is available on the Model Expo website at http://www.modelexpo-online.com/product.asp?ITEMNO=MS2027 Click on the Documents tab beneath the picture.
  7. Great job on the ports and the windows, Sherry. That flower bed is gorgeous! I think "You Know Who" will be pleased - maybe Anja can get Sjors to replicate that garden in Schiedam!
  8. John - Ships like the Morgan are a bit of a challenge - to get all of the fiddly deck pieces (rendering oven, cutting in stage etc) right can take quite a bit of time. Also, there are no cannon, and war ships seem to be a prefered subject for many model builders. As I get more experience, the Morgan is on my list of subjects matter - I think it is a cool looking ship, and like many have been onboard many times over the years. BTW - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  9. Nice looking planking, John. Enjoy your trip - how far north are you going?
  10. Probably just got confused, Sjors. "You Know Who" has a reputation for asking for pictures, but he is far too much of a gentleman to ask Sherry for any :rolleyes: Sherry - sounds like the A/C installation is working out - glad you took the plunge!
  11. While the first steamboats arrived around 1811, the more opulent passenger types were several years behind, with the Natchez I probably the first classic boat arriving around 1823. Most of the prior ones didn't have the same look as the model you are looking at building.
  12. Piet - Thank you for sharing that with us! What a wonderful way for your grandson to become more familiar with what your Dad accomplished!
  13. Finally had a chance to do some searching tonight. While I have not been able to trace the primary source, Goodwin provides a set of tables which give length, thickness, and number of bolts for various rates. He also offers a variety of types of supports as well as noting that the distribution of the shrouds was primarily a factor of avoiding gun ports.
  14. Coming along very nicely, Jerry. I believe that your assumption on the cleats is accurate - most of the lines would affix at some angle so this would align the cleat with the intended line. I have seen the same on several tall ship plans.
  15. Looks like a great start! Did you find the laser level helped with the alignment? Have been toying with the idea on my builds as well.
  16. Very nice detail work, Grant. Hope your paint re-do came out well!
  17. Beautiful work, Sjors! She is coming along very well. :dancetl6:
  18. Off to a good start, Eddie! Looking forward to following the build. Since Sjors hasn't offered, I'll supply a popcorn machine for the masses.
  19. Just remember to bring those with you, Sjors. I'll even provide you with the upgraded hammock - it includes a hammock-side cold beverage dispenser (hope you like Sam Adams!!!)
  20. Beautiful work, Mario! The planking came out very well, and the finish really "pops"!
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