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Everything posted by Jeff-E

  1. Hi Matt, Nice work on the ladders, pin rails and hand rails they look great, she is really starting to come together now. It does pay to measure and double check the plans.
  2. Hi All, Another small update. I managed to get some more planking done over the last few days and the second layer is almost finished, there is only one plank left to make on the starbord side and five planks, includinng the two planks that fit into the drop plank, on the porrt side. The light at the end of the tunnel is becoming brighter I hope to finnish the second planking tomorrow. I will post some more pictures when it is finnished
  3. Hi Slog, I think you have choosen the right option to trim down the stem to overcome your problem, gently gently with the dremel and it should be OK She is looking fantastic
  4. Hi Matt, Yes I have been away but ufortunately not fishing , so there are still plenty of fish left for you , I have been in Sydney visiting family
  5. Hi John, The keel is looking great. I looked really hard and can Just make out the rabbet line near the stern, but I bet the extra light makes it eaiser to work.
  6. HI Danny, Beautiful work on the hances. I agree they look much better than the previous version and thanks for the tutorial
  7. Hi Antony, You have made some wonderful progress since i last looked in, the orlop deck turned out really well and looks fantastic in place. Superb work
  8. Hi Matt, WOW you have made some progress since the last time I looked in . I really like the gilding it looks very good and should last a long time. Excellent detail on the sheilds and the stern painting they look great and I think the gallery rail looks fine
  9. Hi Ron, Nice job on the decking. The 4 butt shift pattern and the treenailing looks great
  10. Hi Antony, Excellent work on your Orlop Deck Frame all of your joints look very neat
  11. Hi Ron, Looks to be a fairly accurate model of the Endeavour going by the deck plan, enjoy the build I will follow this one with interest.
  12. Hi Kimberly, Looks like a nice model. Sorry I can,t help with the paint as I don't know the Heller system for colours but I would imagine it would have been painted in very similar colours to the Santa Maria As Jim says most hooby supply stores will have a range of rigging thread in a variety of colours and diameters. I am suprised they did not supply at least 1 roll of thread for the rigging. Do they give any instructions on the rigging? Good luck with your build and I will drop in every now and then to see how you are progressing
  13. Hi RIchard and Kester, Thankyou both for looking in and for your kind comments Kester, yes I think they will look alot better than the metal ones
  14. Hi, This is a tip I picked up form Dan Vad a while ago now and I have found the easiest and most accuate way for me to bend and shape planks, is to soak them and pin them to the hull, without glue, and let them dry then once they are dry make any small adjustments necessary and then glue them to the hull. It is a bit time consuming but the results are worth the wait
  15. Hi Richard, Excellent job on the planking so far I think the stern turned out very well
  16. Hi All, Another small update of the planking, I think it is progressing well and I have only about 8 planks left to close up the starboard side. I have also fitted the garboard planks.
  17. Hi Matt, Thank you, I think I will go with the timber lining even though it is a bit fiddley because of the hull thickness. Yes I am going to build a full model of Victory, I actually have her sitting on my shelf, it is the Panhart 1:72 scale deluxe kit, the full size version of this one but it will be a while before I tackle it as I am doing some reseach and planning on some modifcations I want to make to the kit and also I want to improve my skills some more before I attempt such a large project. So I intend to build a few more smaller models first. At least I should know how to plank the bow section of it
  18. Hi all, Just a small update , below are some pics of one of the gunports lined with timber, this still has to be trimmed and it will be painted red Any comments most welcome
  19. Hi J.Pett, Jimmy and Wackowolf, Thankyou all for looking in at my log J.Pett, As I'm going to paint the hull the brass woulld be covered anyway and I think the edges would tend to look out of place Jimmy, Welcome and are you going to post a log of your build? I look forward to seeing it
  20. Hi Kester, Thankyou for your kind comments. I have just finished lining one gunport in wood, looks OK I will post some pics shortly
  21. Hi Matt, Great job with your second planking, looks fantastic . Good save with the scuppers easier fixed on the first layer of planks. With regard to the keel and stem could you line the edges of them with the planks you used for the deck planking if you have enough left over , they look to be of a similar colour in your pics
  22. Hi Anthony, She is coming along well The shot locker and pump house look very nice in situ and the test joints you made are very neat and precise
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