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Everything posted by Jeff-E

  1. Hi All, The stem planking is complete on the Starboard side and the port side is about 1/3 done. I have started making the gunport lids. The kit supplied laser cut lids made from 0.8mm ply with pre drilled holes for the ropes to attach to them for opening and closing. The instructions don't mention covering them with any strips of wood but in the drawing showing how to attach the lids to the hull it does seem to show the lid with a lining of planks on both sides of the lid and the planks look to be flush with the lid. When I tried 1 of the lids in my port I found it almost fell through the lined gunport, as I had cut my ports out to originally fit the pre made supplied port linings this was a bit suprising. So I have decided to use the supplied lid as a plug and plank the outside of it with 1 x 6mm offcuts from the second layer of planks and to leave a overhang of 0.5mm all the way around the lid and to line the inside with 0.5mm sapele that I'm using on the stem
  2. Hi Ollie, I think most planks were between 18 and 25 feet long so at your scale of 1:48, if my maths are correct, your planks should be between 115 and 160mm long depending on how you work out the pattern for your deck. A 100mm plank would equate to a real length of about 15 feet
  3. Hi Matt, Thank you. The planking is 0.5 x 5mm Sapele( Al 's Descrition), it is left over from an old AL kit, I think it might be a similar texture to Mahogany though I' not sure. It would be nice if manufacturers did provide sugestions and instructions on how to plank parts such as the stem, but extra detail would also add to extra cost,however it would be nice if some of them provided decent instructions on how to build the basic model. I think that some of the finer details are sometimes best left up to the builders own preference as to how much detail he or she wishes to add
  4. Hi Matt, The long boat looks great and the scratch built oars are much better than the metal ones. Excellent work on the cannons and rigging it can be a bit tricky to make it look right but yours have turned out spot on
  5. Hi Danny, Very nice work on the timberheads, your jig worked a treat. There is a fair bit of difference, in sheer, between the waist and the stern
  6. Hi Antony, I like your rope walk machine very nice, have you tried it out yet? I am currently trying to get some gears to make a serving machine, never thought of good old EBay. Your workmanship is superb as always the chain pump housings look fantastic. Have you figured out a way to make them operational yet?
  7. Hi ZyXuz, I have just browsed through your log and you are doing a very nice job on the Unicorn, I like the way you have modified the stern cabins it turned out neat and smooth. Your gunports and the inner bulwarks look fantastic
  8. Hi Ollie, The windlass looks fantastic, superb workmanship. I think I'm correct in saying a bell was common on almost all ships and cutters and it's main use was to toll the start and end of the different watches, also as a warning device in fog, there were no air horns back then, there are probably a dozen other uses for it as well that some one else will definately know. As for your deck planking I think this cuttter would of had a margin plank or water way around the main deck planks. Are you going to plank the deck with scale length planks?
  9. Hi Jantje, Thank you for looking in and for the link to the Pickle site , there are some nice photos on there that I can use for reference to modify the kit a bit when I resume building this model. Unfortunately this build is on hold for the moment while I finish the Victory bow section. You are very lucky to be working in such an historic place
  10. Hi Glennard, You have done a fantstic job on your Scottish Maid she looks great. I look forward to seeing the final pics of her once completed and also to following your progress with next project 'Victory' when you start her.
  11. Hi All, Just a small update with some pics of the stem planking. The starboard side is nearly finished and now that I am finally happy with the pattern the port side wont take to long. I will finish the starboard side today and I hope to complete the port side tomorrow or Saturday.
  12. Hi Jimmy, Wow sounds like your camera and PC have some issues with each other. In answer to your question on how to post pictures take a look at this link by Dan Vad , hope this helps
  13. Hi Ron, Thankyou for your kind words and welcome to MSW and this log I think you are right in saying the kit covers a variety of ship modelling aspects which would be benificial to a first time builder it is also a bit of a challenge but if you take your time I think you will build a model you can be proud of. If you do decide to go with this kit I would be happy to offer any help I you need, there are also many more experienced modellers on this site than me that would be more than happy to help with any questions you have
  14. Hi Jimmy, Are you going to start a build log of your Bireme? sounds like an interesting build.
  15. Hi Phoenix, Welcome to MSW and this log Thank you for your kind comments and I hope you get the model you wish for, which ever one it is I'm sure you will make it something you can be proud of.
  16. Hi Glennard, She is looking good and I think your planking turned out fine,you are doing a fantastic job. As you have probably worked out by now, I would not rely on AL's instructions for any detailed steps as they are fairly vague and I think they rely on the modeller to have some degree of experience, which is not a good thing for fiirst time builders, thank goodness for sites such as this one
  17. Hi Vivian, I have just read your log and I think you have done a wonderful job on her so far. The hull planking is smooth and neat. If you want to simulate scale length planks on your deck, after marking the deck out to the pattern you want, you could carefully scibe a line across each plank with a sharp scalpel As Sam said some strategically placed rope coils and buckets should coever the gaps in the deck where the frames were cut off, I would however also cover the gaps with small pieces of deck plank
  18. Hi Glen, Welcome to MSW Looks like you have made a nice start to your build and I look forward to your future posts of your progress
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