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Everything posted by Cabbie

  1. Howdy Hof Good to hear from you Things have been very slow in the shipyard lately, too many other things to do. "So, all good "Aficionados" no problem with this, I think my Endeavour will be not 100% accurate, (Definitely not), more of an "Object de art)" With you 100% on this, mine is just my beginners copy, more or less of the replica. I have decided to ditch the cast carvings, and i have reduced the side vertical planks back to 1, that will be how it stays until i can do something else in the future. Thanks for the compliment on the stern, I like how it looks. I have got myself organized to do more work and will post a little update soon, doing the rudder and hinges. Cheers Chris
  2. Hi Don NOOOO, no quitting, keep going full speed, enjoy your disease. It looks like lots of fun to me. Hooroo Chris
  3. Good Afternoon Don Still having a good time, starting another awesome looking kit. I am going to have to do one of these kits soon, they look so complete and well done. One of us is going to have to go and see the Doc, you seem to have this "Modelos Diseaseo's" affliction and just have to start new kits and logs. But I think it is me that will have to go to the Doctor, to help me cure my jealousy. If the rest of the audience can pass the hat around, and buy me a plane ticket I will gladly join you all. But it might be a bit hard to bring the BBQ along, otherwise I will stay down under here, around the corner and view from a distance. Cheers Chris
  4. Oh goodness Don, you do know how to fun!!!!!. Starting another ship that looks to be a very enjoyable one. You must have a big display space to sit these beauties in. I will keep an eye on this as well. hooroo Chris
  5. OH, Yes, and great work Don, looking very good. It looks as though you are having more fun than me at the moment. Getting fired up on mine very soon i hope. Cheers Chris
  6. Good Evening Dash The stern is coming up an absolute treat, looking very right indeed. Your carvings look a lot more correct than mine. ( do you think that you could find a set for me? ) With all the fine detail work that you are doing she will be a top example of an Endeavour model. Thanks Chris
  7. Hi Giampiero I have been lurking and watching your build, and I am constantly in awe of the quality of your work. Brilliant stuff. Thanks for showing how you made those tiny hinges that will be very useful later on for me. (If I can actually do them, I should say) Cheers Chris
  8. Nothing clumsy with your work hq, very precise and good to look at. Chris
  9. Hi Steve yes I know they are wrong, the carvings are too wide. the bottom part of the carving on the replica is mounted on to a fashion piece type of material that i have extended up to sit the rest of the carving on. I will have a look at it again to see what changes I might make. But as i have said previously this is a learning build and it will finish as it does. Thanks Chris
  10. Howdy All Just to prove that I am still alive and doing some ship work, here is an update. The Stem, keel and sternpost have been fixed on and stained and varnished. I used the timber supplied in the kit so as to not waste it, but wanted it to look Jarrah, but I think that I will leave the rudder natural color. Then I added the mouldings across the stern, tricky little devils, made about 8 all up, but the 4 on look good. The cast carvings are all a bit ugly, I am not a carver so they are going to be used though with modifications, and as you can see I royally stuffed one up. If you anyone has one they are not using, can I have PLEASE, I will pay money. The ugly bits between the windows might get left off, they don't look right. I was heating the main piece to bend, and the first time it bent beautifully, but the middle bit was bent up. So then I applied some heat and a bit of pressure and it broke. Might be a blessing in disguise, because to me it looks like some blokes bad wig. Oh well, maybe it will be something that will sort it self out. Cheers Chris
  11. Hi Mike Usually there is a sheet of paper or 2 showing the laser cut sheets and parts with numbers on them, have a look at your plans. As for getting the parts out, yes cut the waste material with whatever is needed, but for the timber parts try and keep usable pieces of timber, in case you need them to make something. Hooroo Chris
  12. I think I just joined the "BF" club. hopefully what I just did to my Endeavour will cover up. Cheers Chris
  13. HI Dash More top work again You are certainly moving at a good pace and getting it done. Are you putting a knightshead on it. I have been looking at AOTS and it doesn't seem to show a clear drawing. Do you know if aots and the replica are done the same way. Thanks Chris
  14. Hi Ron Absolutely well done Very neat and tidy work And that final shot showing off the contrasting colors really does make it very enjoyable to look at her. Where did you get your rigging rope from, it does not look fuzzy at all? A double dose of Cheers is in order today. Chris
  15. Good Morning Kees Some links I just passed to Mikeymo I thought you might want to look as well. http://www.modelship...MB Endeavor.htm http://modelshipworl...d-by-moderator/ https://www.flickr.c...157634081735926 http://www.anmm.gov....s/hmb-endeavour And a pdf that you can download . http://juwarki.org.a...C-Man-final.pdf Hooroo Chris
  16. Ah another Aussie, should have guessed, good stuff http://www.modelships.de/Museums_and_replicas/Endeavour/Photos%20HMB%20Endeavor.htm http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/1207-endeavour-replica-construction-pics-moved-by-moderator/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/endeavourvoyages/albums/with/72157634081735926 http://www.anmm.gov.au/whats-on/vessels/hmb-endeavour And a pdf that you can download . http://juwarki.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/VC-Man-final.pdf Hooroo Chris
  17. I have a lot of links to photos of the replica, which I am copying in my build . I can pass them on if you want. Chris
  18. Howdy Hof Yes, you are right this hobby knows how to chew up time. But it is all good fun. How is the deck makeover going? Cheers Chris
  19. Hi Mikeymo Welcome and good luck, Harlequin's advice, not so much the alcohol, but taking a break is a must when things aren't going well. Don't rush. Hooroo Chris
  20. Good evening Dave Thank you, yes I will put the shutters on at some stage. Things have been very slow in the shipyard lately, work and other things. But hopefully it will pick up pace from here on. I finally drilled the hole for the rudder today, and have a couple of little repairs to do. And one of the counter mouldings is glued on. cheers Chris
  21. Hi Dave Very fine, detail work, and they look spot on. They are something that has been bouncing around in the back of my head. How to do them, and now you have shown us. Thanks Chris PS and the rigging station looks like a must have, will go and look at Pat's as well.
  22. Splendid work dash that is a lot of finely detailed work, all very neatly done.
  23. Good Morning Ian & Don In regards to the Balsa i used it on my endeavour and it was too soft. I pinned a lot of planks and where I used balsa the pins wouldn't hold. It did its job otherwise, but won't use again. Besides over here it is not cheap. My brother who is is a patternmaker says to use "Jelutong" or to be more correct "Dyera costulata", according to google. Cheers Chris
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