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Everything posted by dafi

  1. Let me tell you a story ... ... it started with a funny idea ... ... we should meet again ... ... oh yes sure ... ... where? Augsburg would be a nice place, its in the middle of everybody from the south of Germany, half way between Munich and Ulm. Let´s take March, the 8th, good with the holidays. "Who´s gonna come?" Me-me-me-me ... ... oh, nice, we won´t be alone ... ...-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me... ... great the place will be full ... ...-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-perhaps-me-me-me-me-me-me... ... slight worries about the size of the venue are appearing ... ...-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me... ... so until now there are 57 (fifty seven) confirmations plus 1 perhaps !!! So by tomorrow Lunchtime we will meet for our "small" gathering: https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=m9YW...rtshaus+am+lech Do not know yet how to fit everybody plus the models. Models?!? Did anybody think about the space for the models ?!? There will be more than 20 models present! And among will be (only MSW Members mentioned, please excuse if I missed anybody) - Tarjack and his Royal Caroline 1749 in bone and a dockyard cross cut model of an engl. 74 - schiffebastler with Amerigo Vespucci - dafi with his small little round one with the black and ochre lines that make appearance slim - Woodpecker with his spanish schebeck 1:50 - Achilles with HMS Queen Charlotte 1790 1:48 - Rack with fregate Thetis - Alexander with his HMS Sphynx, modell and plans, plus plans HMS Anson - Archjofo La Creole 1:48 - AVBiker Sovereign of the Seas ... and many others. WOW-WOW-WOW Everybody is already starting to get very nervous. A feeling almost like Christmas :-) We will keep you posted :-) DAniel
  2. "I don't trust my skills to make new ladder sides with the grooves cut in properly," I do not believe you until you proved me wrong! Just try it - what is there to loose? A tiny bit of wood. Or two? Or three - YES you can do it. Cheers, Daniel
  3. Just caught up - wonderfully done. Cheers, Daniel
  4. Thank you Sirs, very appreciated @amateur No Jan, not yet ;-) Surprisingly, the lantern basically came out of the box, only the arm/holder were replaced by some of my etch parts. Only transformation was the little door, but this was only tree strokes with the file to get rid of the glazing bars and three tiny bits of sprue for hinges and lock. XXXDAn
  5. Sorry, I redowngraded him to his real rank: Midi :-)
  6. I love this little lantern ... ... it enlightens me ... ... makes me dream ... ... makes me feel good ... ... at least midshipman Mr. Westphal seems to be happy and content ... XXXDAn
  7. Thank you guys :-) I just realised the different depth of the steps accidentally after looking at the pictures of the V. in P. a one-million-seven-hundret-twenty-five-thousend-eight-hundert-and-twenty-three times ... When I then - with the eye being aware by this - found the same disposition on a contemporary model it was clear: I WANT THAT!!! ;-) Cheers, Daniel
  8. To finish the support columns, I pressed it against a piece of wood, so they were more easy to handle. Placing it on a thin acrylic and using a sanding block, one can achieve very accurate angles. The black primer and developing the tendril, first the main body, the the blossoms. As I have more control with normal paint than with the metallic paints, I like to put a layer of ochre underneath. Then some Humbrol gold and same Warcraft gold, to accentuate with some reddish shines, plus a tad of black ink where necessary. In the meantime I refined the port, giving it a step like the gun ports to give a stop for the lids. Then gave the roof a aluminum foil from Hasegawa, splashed a mixture of ink, white and detergent onto it ... ... and here we are ... OK, the guys from the tin roof have to come for some touch ups, but otherwise I am quite happy :-) Cheers, Daniel
  9. The "Mark One" Steps were stuck on the hull, UHU-Plast flooded into the gap in the back, and thick paint to cover it up. Worked well as it stayed on the ship for more than 10 years :-) For some reasons did not work this time ... But I better spare you THOSE Pictures. So pulled down the paint again - was easy as it was to thick and come down like a rubber coat. Instead of the usual car filler I lately use the 2 component sculpting masses. More time to work with and being able to place it properly and still form it to the wanted effect. My favourite is Apoxie Sculpt, a small saussage of 0,3 mm placed on the gap ... ... and squeezed in with a moistened wooden stick, moulded and already taken out the surplus material. After drying the fine tuning ... ... with some sanding paper glued onto an old blade :-) Also easy to fit other places ... ... like a small blister on the edge of the cast of the canopy. Also works for the steps. After modelling I just lift it up from its place and add some CA underneath with the help of a toothpick, like this it wont come of while sanding to form.
  10. Coming back to the original question: If my memory serves me well, from a circumference of 9 inch it was cable laid (left/s twist). Thinner cable laid ropes were called cablets in my understanding. Steel, 54: CABLES, ropes made of nine strands, that are nine inches and upwards in circumference. CABLETS, cable-laid ropes, under nine inches in circumference. XXXDan
  11. Thank you Sirs :-) In fact, those old steps were already for quite a while on the to-mess-up-list - that is why I tackled the refined ones :-) Actually those first ones were some kind of historic parts: the first details beyond oob on the model :-) Mark one still with Humbrol Colors. At a later stage the supports underneath were added, but still - the base was too thick for my liking. So here already come the replacement parts ... ... first cleared up ... ... the whole thing ... ... and then carefully choosing some important steps in the circle of life of a big ship :-) Cheers, Daniel Already looking forward for the first touch of paint on the new ones :-) XXXDAn
  12. Doing what I can do best ... ... DESTRUCTION ... ... and even ... ... more DESTRUCTION ... ... okokokok ... ... I also cleared up ... ... the whole thing ... ... and then carefully choosing some important steps in the circle of life of a big ship :-) Cheers, Daniel
  13. Miracles happen ... ... I finally found time to finish the refined side steps on the spare kit ... ... first prepared single steps ... ... and here the revised version with the different depth of the steps underneath the admirals entrance :-) Still a tad uneven, as just being fixed on double sided tape, but very near to what I wanted. XXXDAn
  14. Love it. Hope i will be able to touch my little Mistery again soon. XXXDAn
  15. Finally ... ... finished the canopy, was working on the whole set since late last year. dafis law for modelmakers Nr 57: If a part is not working well - try not to fix it - make a new one! Here are the 4 parts for the entrance port: Canopy, two pillars and the carvings with crown and coat of arms over the entrance. And immediately the fitting test: And here the painted version as shown before. Cheers, Daniel PS: I did not cut the port yet as I dot know if I still need the hull other wise ...
  16. As always, make wooden samples and test it before you touch the real thing :-) DAniel
  17. Hy Kevin, should be applicable without problem. I used casein paints. A bit smelly - rotten milk - but wonderful to work with. If the wood is painted, you can apply the paint in thin layers with different shades until the wanted effect is reached or even take a wet cloth and take the paint off and restart over again. Once really dry it always will stay water soluble but is strong enough to hold it in the hand without leaving marks - if hands are not too wet ;-) Cheers, Daniel
  18. The lines appearing lighter than in reality as they are superexposed in the picture as the camera takes the larger darker regions as reference. Wonderful testings!!! How does the "hanging" rope react to the paint? Does it make the fibers to stand up as wood does when wet? Cheers, DAniel
  19. What an enjoyable build :-) XXXDAn
  20. Thank you very much Michael - just trying to do the best with my humble means :-) XXXDAn
  21. Thank you Sirs :-) Very appreciated. Cheers, Daniel
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