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Everything posted by dafi

  1. Completely lost this one out of sight - shame on me! Daniel
  2. Oh that feels great ... ... after being off for that many weeks - job, holiday, job - now back on the drug ... ... back in the shipyard again :-) I already showed the carving ... ... I tried long to finally find the right way to display those tendrils on the supports of the side entry port canopy. Positive carving, modeling with clay - nothing worked. Then the idea to carve it in the negative way ... ... and have a thin cast and glue it together :-) Here the family juwels: Left bottom the old casted parts from the carved styrene carvings of the ones on my model. Left top sculpted with Magic Sculpt - not successful - , then the negativ carvings with a thin cast, below left the first test and right the improved carving with the thin face side sculted with Magic Sculpt and right the final casts and black the final cast with primer :-) From near it looks like this: And with some paint it is near what i wanted to achieve ... ... then the small crown underneath the canopy with its flags ... ... both parts together ... ... feels good :-) Now just the new canopy ... Cheers, Daniel
  3. Love it, thanks for showing! It is nice, that the coils have different sizes. Often seen is a standard size on all the pins. But each rope had a different length that needed to be coiled, so: Thumbs very much up!!! XXXDAn
  4. The length of Rammer etc. is very easy: Length of the barrel plus some extra to handle it properly :-) And - my god - I found out that they are loooong for the big guns. #518 Cheers, DAniel
  5. Not necessairily it was empty at the end of the trip: Empty barrels were filled with sea water to readjust the trim because of the lack of weight :-) XXXDAn
  6. Wonderful wooden cleats. If they are still needed even smaller, here a little commercial for the case, if it is allowed :-) http://www.dafinismus.de/plates_en.html#anker7 Cheers, Daniel
  7. With about 28 gun ports just one side on the lower deck ... ... would have been a 180 to 190 Gun-Ship :-) XXXDAn
  8. Papa got a brand new toy :-) Until now I used a low-cost-solution: 7 Euro from the supermarket 3 dioptrien with LED! But then the fam saw me looking at those magnifiying glases at the optitian ... ... and surprise! Got them for X-Mess :-) Restartet doing some micro-surgery ... ... and therfore: Big Grin !!! With 130 Euro a bit more expensive then my old one, but much more comfortable than the ones that go around the head, almost no weight, no destroyed hairdo and to be worn over the normal glases and better vision than my cheap glases. http://www.eschenbach-optik.com/de/Lesehilfen.784.0.html?&cHash=de7a55807c44bae3c1a25d2ff5130fce&tt_products=164452%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20 Cheers, Daniel
  9. Yeah some are stuck for a fortnight in the ice of the Antarctica, but nobody tells about dafi, being confined for 3 weeks in the austrian mountains, far off his beloved ship yard ... But also the mountains sometimes surprise with maritime content, as to be seen with the SMS Trinkstein ... http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/349-sms-trinkstein-by-dafi-sos-stone-on-soil-flush-deck-frigate-of-the-austrian-mountain-navy/ Also this time dafi had his maritime moments and that was not surprising ;-) There in the deepest valley, where the sun refused to shine, there she was lost, the proud Stixtenstein, lost long ago in the dark days of lost tales, lost in the rigid hardness of the towering mountains beside, just in the wake of the safe harbour of the fortress. Deeply sunken into the elements only the topgallant of her once sky scraping proud masts still was greeting the sea-farers ... ... and of course, dafi had to follow immediately his primal instincts, sending himself aloft ... ... and putting in two reefs of clouds to make the sun shine again :-) And now greeting happily as dafi finally learned, that there is no problem to climb up overhanging ratlines like the futtock shrouds and wishes a happy 2014 to everyone!!!
  10. Just am rereading "Nelson´s ships" which has plenty of excerpts from the original logs. Do you have an idea, how often those top gallant mast broke in real life? That is not a mishap, this is only real reenactment, what you are doing. Please enter the log with the appropriate date and appropriate message: "top gallant mast sprung/lost// in a squall/storm/lamp// fished the mast where it was wounded/sent up a fresh one// employed people to repair the rigging" XXXDAn
  11. WOW, what a wonderful beast! Great work, love it! I think in the "Trafalgar Companion" is a overview of how all the flags were believed to have been set. Cheers, Daniel
  12. Do not bother for the color ... ... people adored the mellow colors of the dutch master painters ... ... until ... ... the restaurateurs cleaned the pictures of the old and darkened varnish and bright colors came back to life :-) Nobody ever will know how she looked like and good luck with your new sight! Cheers, Daniel PS: Thank you for the honorable mention :-) :-) :-) Means it was well worth the work!
  13. Yes, for my scale 1:100 this was correct. You have to look what is the required thickness for your build, depending on scale and size of the ship. XXXDAn
  14. Thank you sailor and bjoern. As this was conceived still in my pre-internet days, it took me much longer to figure out the doing and the how to than the actual doing ... There were plenty of trials made to "cheat" but none of the results were convincing, until I found out, the best is the closest to the original. Actually it is a real scale copy now ... Once one knows how to solder in this sclae (I had too find this one out myself too) it goes rather fast, as the bending jigs really help the mass production. And the result speaks for it self, this was the only way at that time I made them. As I still have further plans and need more of them, I already produced a nice cheat for the 1:100 scale, just look here: ... more ... It also works with with wooden deadeyes :-) Cheers, Daniel
  15. Wonderful explanation the drawing attached, thank you! This is exactly how I worked on my 1:100 Preiser figures. Works the same for all other scales. First vivisection ... ... and then reassembled, on the right, the poor lad before being transformed ... ... and left in his new life as gun captain, holding a leather bag against the vent to air seal it, for that no smoldering ashes is pushed upwards, while the barrel is sponged. Two of the Misters got funny tails made of paper stiffened with CA - one already can guess, the marines ... ... a bit of paint applied ... .... and the crew is complete :-) The lieutenant, the gun captain, loader 2 with the bullet, sponger 2 with the wad pads, powdermonkee, the marine (at ease, the crossbelts off and the button opened). Sponger and loader are already at their place, waiting for the rest of the gang, the second gun captain and the 7 auxiliaries to pull the strings ... Don´t ask what the ship can do for the men, ask what do the men have to do for the ship! Do not look at the figure and ask what could it possibly do ... The trick is to have a look at the task and then teach each single man how to be acting accordingly. Here is the crew in place, 13 men ... or a bit more inside the melée: drama baby - drama :-) Cheers, Daniel
  16. ... have to think about that ... *think* *think* ... *think* ... *enlightment* ... of course! You are welcome, what a question :-) Cheers and thanks, Daniel
  17. ... before oob ... ... and after ... ... worth the work :-) Applicable for most scales, kits and scratches. XXXDAn
  18. Wonderful work :-) Nice touch and feel and great craftmansship! Cheers, Daniel
  19. On most ship models the deck planking is seen to be done with straight parallel planks. From french Models I know curved planking, sometimes seen on english models too. McKay shows the planking in the AOTS Victory as following: lower deck: straight parallel planks, middle deck: straight parallel planks upper deck: curved planks quarterdeck curved, forecastle parallel poodeck deck: straight paralell planks The model of the Princess Royal looks to show curved planks on all decks, if my eyesight does not fool me. Are there any hints, which version is to be used when and where. Where there times certain systems were preferred? Were there technical reasons, as it looks that McKay shows curved planks on the "wet" decks, while the "dry ones have straight planks? Does anybody know more informations abaout the whereabouts of this topic? Cheers, Daniel
  20. PS: And it was invaluable help when my Victory article had to be reinstated here at MSW after the crash. It is always good, to have a backup copy, even more in the www :-) Daniel PPS: It is Hardy ;-)
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