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Roger Pellett

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Posts posted by Roger Pellett

  1. I still have my old Lionel trains- an Alco Diesel Locomotive with Erie RR markings, a Lionel Lines 0-4-0 steam switcher and 6 cars.  In the 1970’s my parents house was burglarized and all my track, switches, etc were stolen.


    I have three young granddaughters and would like to run them for them.  I was able to buy track to make an oval at our local Menards last Christmas but still need at least a transformer.  Any suggestions?  I don’t intend to get into the hobby “whole hog.”



  2. After leaving her builder’s yard, a fire was discovered in one of Titanic’s coal bunkers that persisted into much of her maiden voyage.  There is much discussion in print and on the web regarding the effect if any of the fire on the integrity of the hull.  Some investigators claim that there was a noticeable discoloration of the hull in way of the fire.  If you are a stickler for reproducing Titanic’s exact appearance during her voyage you might wish to consider reproducing this Mark on the hull.  Google Titanic Bunker Fire.



  3. Jim,


    Since you live in the UK if you are adventurous and perhaps well connected you might be able to find some prime boxwood.


    The true boxwood is used in ornamental landscaping throughout the British Isles and sadly some very old trees are dying from some sort of asiatic pest.  During a visit to one such garden in Yorkshire I asked the gardener what is done with dead trees.  They are cut down and burned.  Maybe you could recycle some?



  4. For a luxury yacht like this what marine engineers call “hotel loads” could be quite large, perhaps larger than the load required by the auxiliary engine. As we know air conditioning gobbles up a huge amount of energy.  By splitting generating capacity between two units, one could be shut down when demand is low, more efficient than runnng a large unit at low power?  Since the yacht is of German construction would the electrical system be DC simplifying synchronization problems with two units?



  5. When I was taught to draw hull lines, pre-cad the preferred method for drawing the long sweeping curves for the waterlines involved the use of splines, not ships curves.  Ships curves were used when the curve was too sharp to use a spline.  If you go to the previous page, you will find a post by Druxey describing the way to draw a fair curve with a curve.   Splines can be easily ripped from straight grained construction lumber.  Where I live, this is SPF (spruce, pine, fur).  Spruce is best.  At a lumber yard or big box store, it is the lightest of the three, the whitest, and does not have the nice resinous smell of the other two.  The spline can be held in place by driving small thin brads into the drawing board.



  6. Have you tried soaking the parts in acetone or lacquer thinner?  Unlike varnishes that cure, even after it has dried lacquer dissolves in acetone.  Lacquer based coatings are popular with manufacturers due to their quick drying time.  If K&S gave their brass a quick coating of lacquer, acetone should work.  Acetone is toxic and gives off a smell that does not appeal to other members of the household.  I keep a supply of very small containers on hand so that I can use very small quantities.  If K&S is using some sort of water based coating to comply with VOC rules then using the air eraser to clean the raw material before fabricating your parts should work.



  7. A major task assigned to ships’ boats, particularly longboats and launches was the job of setting out and weighing the second anchor.  Once the first Anchor was dropped, the ship’s mobility was obviously limited.  The second anchor would be lowered  and lashed to one or more boats.  The boat would be rowed or sometimes towed to the selected location and dropped.  When the ship got under way the procedure was reversed.  Ancre’s recent publication on longboats details French practice for doing this.  There is also an extensive discussion of handling anchors at the end of the age of Naval sail in Luce’s Seamanship.  Those interested can find this reproduced on line.


    Anchor handling had a major influence on the design of the larger ship’s boats.  In the 1700’s British and Dutch tended to handle anchors over boat’s bows so they had wide flaring bows to gain buoyancy.  French practice was to handle anchors over the stern hence wide sterns.  Later in the 1700’s the British Royal Navy began to substitute wide sterned launches for the narrower sterned longboats allowing handling over the stern.



  8. Chief,


    There are  number of issues to consider-


    First there are loadline rules established by international agreement.  These rules assign a freeboard to a vessel based on its design, with the ship presumably in good condition.  The Plimsoll mark painted on the side of the hull defines the vessel’s minimum freeboard under different situations:  Winter North Atlantic, Summer, Fresh Water, etc.  Unless the basic design of the ship were to be changed there would be no reason to change the freeboard.  Freeboard could be changed by making what might seem to be minor changes.  For example making a deck previously open to the weather watertight by permanently closing openings might allow the load line to be changed but this would depend entirely on the vessel’s design vs the load line rules.


    Second, most ships are insured.  To obtain insurance the owner must have the vessel surveyed by a “classification society.”  In the USA the society is ABS, The American Bureau of Shipping.  They will review the vessel’s design and its construction, and will publish a rating.  A less than A-1 rating will cause insurance underwriters to set high rates or possibly refuse to insure the vessel and its cargo.  Each classification society publishes its own rules that would cover the repairs needed to correct the condition you describe to allow it to pass a survey.


    Third the US Coast Guard is charged with ensuring that vessels sailing in US waters are seaworthy.  They have the authority to enforce rules published by others such as the freeboard organizations plus those that they publish plus those issued by various other governmental agencies.


    As they say, “it’s complicated,” but the short answer is I don’t see how repairing a vessel can allow its freeboard to be reduced.



  9. I agree with Mark.   if you are using fine toothed blades with the Byrnes saw if the blade does not clear the cut it can trap sawdust between the teeth. Like Bob above I have made two half cuts with my full sized table saw but it has much more power and the gap between teeth in the blade is much wider so it tends to throw off the debris.



  10. Beatty also failed to use his most powerful ships effectively.  The fast Battleships of the 5th Battle Squadron that had been substituted for several of Beatty’s battlecruisers were capable of engaging the German Fleet and had the armor to take its punishment.  Warspite was hit numerous times reversing course at “windy corner” yet survived.  Instead of deploying these powerful ships where they were most likely to meet the enemy they trailed the battle cruisers.



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