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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Thanks I have noted how tarred they look. Great effect. David B
  2. Gorilla Glue tends to foam and I never used it for planking. David B
  3. Matt I would like to know why you chose not to use P,V,A,,glue like Titebond or Elmers, David B
  4. To me one of the hardest things is to match up paint so that it blends well. I hope I can look over your shoulder for this bit of family history. David B
  5. Mark how are you going to keep the planks even when the frames are so far aoart and the wood you are going to use? Inquiring minds would like to know. David B
  6. Danny the rough part about this model is either building as the original or upgrade and improve it, I do not envy you and wish you the best, I will watch avidly as you find all that is wrong and fix it, What plans Re you Goin to work with? David B
  7. What are you using for your treenails? Remember the smaller the better, Well done? David B
  8. Beautiful woodwork And wonderful color, What brand of paint are you using and did you airbrush it on.? David B
  9. Excellent work What did you use to color and finish It with ? DavidB
  10. Your Galley is really coming along, Is that a stain or jobs I see or LA that the finish,It looks wonderful. David B
  11. What kind if line are you using and the source? And what species of wood are you working with? David B Pp
  12. Matt I have made hoops from shaving made with a plane. XJ beings are then soaked in water and I use PVA glue on them wrap them around brass tubing with some plastic wrap when I get into Olay cut out the desired size I need a little light sanding paint it goes over the math if you wish I could find some picture for you the best wood to use the Apple or pair of very flexible you're doing a great job. David B
  13. Where did you find that brush! David B
  14. A great piece of work. I would love to see it up close. Congratulations on a job well done. David B
  15. Congratulations on a great painting job Eric. After looking at all the logs I might as well replace all the wood in my kit. David B
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