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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. I echo all the others Nils nice streamline hull. However I would use a drop of ca for your plating the adhesive on the plates will dry out and you will find your hard work coming off down the road. David B
  2. Bread and butter may be labor intensive but it makes it easy to visualize the hull. Well done. You could also use beech for planking as well. David B
  3. This project looks like it will teach me quite a bit about French building practices have fun.
  4. You are doing a bang up job Nenad. David B
  5. This looks interesting I think I will put up a chair if you do not mind and good look. David B
  6. Alex your stove looks like I could load it up and start using it today. David B
  7. Well done what is sealed paper this is the first time I have ever heard of it. David B
  8. I think you have trained carpenter ants hidden someplace doing this great work Patrick marvelous work. David B
  9. Thinking outside the box I like it. I would not have thought of making them in that manner. Well Done on your carronades. David B
  10. Nice job on the catheads, drilling through a hull after all the work put into it is a nerve racking business. I am glad it turned out okay. David B
  11. Mark, you planking is flawless. That hull does look like it is a rough one for laying a straight plank. David B
  12. I am happy you have recovered from your health problems and as for your hull, take a deep breath and look it over carefully. Maybe by reomoving a few planks will get you what you need. David B
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