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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. You are doing a bang up job keep it up. Try a sanding block this might work. David B
  2. Your model is worthy of an art gallery beautiful. David B
  3. Great metalwork your stove looks like I could put some coal in and cook dinner right away. David B
  4. Magnificent. The finish you applied really makes it stand out. Congratulations on a great looking yacht. I would take it out on the lake for a sail if I could. David B
  5. Well done I echo the sentiments that have been said. Great looking vessel. David B
  6. You must have trained some carpenter ants to o that work. My fingers would be to big to pull it off. David B
  7. The combo color difference between the hull and the cockpit leaves a distinct impression of style. Doing that kind of prework on the mast is time consuming but best done early. From the beginning you have shown that you have thought this build though did you make an instruction book on building it? David B
  8. I found this of good idea and technique. David B http://www.plasticmodelsworld.com/node/1109
  9. An accident happened at our plant in Des Moines. A worker lost his fingers while using there tablesaw. The guy in hand cut and I are both wondering how this happened. As a result our saws are locked up and handcut ids the only one allowed to use it. Since that is no longer my position I will have to do my milling elsewhere or get someone to do it for me. David B
  10. Mobbsie I am coming in late and am sorry I did not catch this log earlier. Your framing is great especially the way you did it. That is why I do solid hulls. To me it will always be an arcane art form to get right. The deck beams and the rest of your work is outstanding you are really kicking ***. Keep it up and I will pull up a chair in the back if that is okay with you. David B
  11. Fine looking model looks good to me. You are doing a great job. David B
  12. Nicely done. Very neat and clean. Paint or chemical blackening? David B
  13. I call that respect for the danger and power they have and the damage they can do if you are not paying attention. David B
  14. Ingenious way ti do the job. You are correct that in soldering the heat is important. I have a 40W weller and it dos not alway get the heat I need but I am to clumsy to use a gun. David B
  15. My sympathies for the grief you are going through and pray that She is in a better place and no longer suffering. David B
  16. Here are some photo I took at Manitowoc I think these will help you on your build it i coming along nicely. David B
  17. Nils that one stringer at the stern looks a little out of place Like it warped or curved in the wrong direction. Is that the way it is supposed to be and am I blowing smoke. But considering your skill I probably I am wrong. David B
  18. The amount of detail in such a small model is outstanding. David B
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