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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Popeye you are bringing back memories from my youth. My parents bought me the Revell kit for Christmas. I am relearning how to work with plastic. Since the gallery is filling up I will be in the gallery with a pair of binoculars. Casey, I was informed that Vallejo was designed for airbrushing so needs to be thinned down. Used straight from the bottle a basic brush but not cheap. David B
  2. This can be done but the spindle was designed for pressure up an down not lateral pressure. Light cuts only for increased life of the drill press,
  3. Jesse what the tubing does is give you a crucial outline. On a ship the tree nail woul be covered with a plug to cover it. The plug woul lay with the grain of the plank.. David B
  4. Nice planking job. I never tree nail because I thought they stood out to much . I have seen them done using a piece of tubing with the end sharpened this made a nice effect. David B
  5. Jesse, tree nails are fine if they are subdued and you have to look for them. Too many people accent them and as a result they stand out causing the maritime measles effect. David B
  6. This should prove an interesting build mind if I pull up a chair?
  7. I will have to try your technique when I get a chance. David B
  8. Sorry I am coming in late Mark but your stern planking is the cats meow. Making those severe bends must have been rough. David B
  9. Danny you are an inspiration to the rest of us I would love to see your Cutty up close. David B
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