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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. At the moment I am lucid and able to think so I might be considered sane or normal. The next thing was to work on the scaffolding. This is when I really appreciate how delicate this stuff can be and taking very delicate cuts. The first thing was to identify and figure out out to do the job. When getting this thin I was having trouble keeping everything stiff for a straight cut. So most of it was done using straight edges. The scaffolding in the front gave me the most problem in getting everything lined up. This involved quite bit of trial and error until I was able to glue everything down. I am also touching up the colors as I go. So far so good. David B
  2. To me tree nailing can be done or not. So long as it does not detract. On your Bluenose I would not bother, Unless done carefully you would ruin a beautiful looking deck. David B
  3. The only sad thing is that 90% of what you are doing will never be seen or appreciated by those who cannot see the greatness of your work. David B
  4. That is a different matter. Go with the advice from the others. Treat each strake as a project in itself. David B
  5. Since this is a single planked hull I think you should fill in between the bulkheads. This will help keep the planks from flexing and buckling insuring smooth hull. It will also give you more surface area for glue. David B
  6. i have tried to do a combination of both. Though at the moment I am out of practice. For me it depends on what I am making. and if it is to be handled. I am no expert. Just experiment with both. I learned a lot from doing so and at the same time had a good experience. David B
  7. I have done P.O.B. solid hull. The nice thing about a solid hull is that you have a good visual at all times to see if anything is bit aligned. Plus you can add or subtract material as needed. As for your Scientific Cutty. If you decide to use another set of plans you modify it. To me the heart and beauty of a vessel is the hull. Whether painted with no planking or left natural. It the hull is properly shaped with all of it's compound curves it is a thing of beauty. David B
  8. I had one years ago. It finally bit the dust. Dremel is not a precision tool. But for what we do perfect. When used correctly you would be Surprised at what it can do. Just remember that it is not a toy and where protection when you use one. Years ago I was shaping some brass and the part I was working on shattered. All I lost was a pair of glasses. David B
  9. I have found that being delicate with a knife and glue can make a big difference. Plus a lot of patience. David B
  10. Looks like you are finally getting there. This should prove an interesting build. What kind of wood have you decided on using? David B
  11. That is what is fun about this hobby. The sharing of knowledge and the techniques to do what we can. David B
  12. I tried markers and then went to watercolor. I have seen water color paints used according to their pigment. Winsor & Newton water color was available at the local Hobby Lobby. So far I have been happy but it does take a very light touch. What i have done is put a l little in a receptacle and added water as needed. I have not tried acrylics but if I did would probably experiment with the finer pigments first eve if they cost a little more. David B
  13. I have been experimenting with watercolor so far Winsor&Newton. i have not tried acrylics. David B
  14. Congrats. You did a nice job. I like the paint job. It adds a flair. David B
  15. One of the things you might try is filling in around the ports. Using balsa or another soft wood as a filler. I might take awhile but would probably be worth it down road. David B
  16. Thanks for the vote. My main problem now is trying to make everything look smooth. The main problem I am getting into is that some of the parts are slightly off. I take this as a copy issue which will happen no matter who the manufacturer is. I have had to make some mods that I will be showing. I do not expect this model to win any awards or be the equal to Dan Parisers or others. But I wish to do the best that I can to improve so that one day I can show off a masterpiece. But I am not in a hurry. I find this challenge invigorating. I know I will make mistakes but I intend to improve on them. David B
  17. You are doing wonderful work. If I did not the scale I would have thought you were working on something bigger. The green eyed monster is growing. DOWN DOWN DISAPPEAR!! David B
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