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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Coming from you that is indeed a compliment. David B
  2. A work boat always looks best when weathered. Many years ago at a contest the best of show came down to two models. Both were exquisite. Very well done and clean. The tug boat lost out. The modeler was able to ask the judges the reason for their verdict. They told him that they have never seen a tug boat that looked like a yacht. David
  3. I has the most trouble with the main turret wall. The first time I glued it up it did not fit the base properly in trying to fix it I damaged it. Fortunately I had scanned the plans earlier just in case, This time I cut out the opening for the cannons. The carriage was not acceptable and I redid it. Then I fitted everything and proceeded to put in the cannons. Then to my surprise the main guns would not fit in their numbered occasions. After some trial and error. I found out that for some reason the print mislabeled the assemblies. Once I reversed the locations I got a god fit. David B
  4. I then started working on the cannons. This time even though I followed the plans and studied everything it was a bit tricky. The first thing was cut out the main parts to build up the base' Then I started on the barrels. This is where I deviated a bit. I was not happy using the card for the core to flimsy. I took a toothpick and using Jim"s draw plate I brought it down to the right diameter and used that as a core. After building them up I painted them watercolor. I thought they were a great improvement. David B
  5. I have been lax lately so I better bring things up to date. After making the 6" guns I glued them into place an assembled the Panzerdstan. David B
  6. I forgot how many bowsprits I broke over the years. I had a Toyota Tercel once. And when I went to club meeting the model would be in the back seat. I snapped the bowsprit several times getting it in and out. That was one of the reasons I went to a smaller scale. David B
  7. I used to do it that way as well. Many years ago bought a string-a-long for around $5 at a swap table. It made serving a lot easier for me When I went to a smaller scale I put it away. Years ago I saw a model of the Sea Witch at 1/48. The model was exquisite. And every line that need serving was done. Unfortunately no cameras were allowed. But he did it the same way as you did. David B
  8. When I saw the plan I was surprised. Lifts were usually run through blocks attached to the top mast. That configuration would destroy the lines in a very short time period. David B
  9. My apologies for putting my remarks Ina different log. You have done a terrific job taking a average kit and turning into a masterpiece. David B
  10. I like the look. I agree with Brian. These battleships have a unique style all there own. And not enough models were made of them because of their short lifespan. David B
  11. Many years ago one our my fellow club members went to Italy and visited the plant. Mamoli and Mantua same parts. He showed a video of his visit. The use a sheer to cut their strips. The take several sheets of veneer into it and then cut the strips to width. Many times the wood is still very green. They do not have very good quality control. A a result their wood will be different colors or not to good. David B
  12. The main problem is the minute they bring it up. Decay and rot will start. And the cost to preserve it would be phenomenal. David B
  13. At work we had a job where we had to bend neoprene together. The customer specified a CA made for rubber and plastic. Safety rules forced us to get rid of our solvents toluene and acetone. Found out that Vaseline hand lotion with petroleum jelly would do the job. Took awhile though. David B
  14. One the items I picked up I have found very useful..When many of us use glue we usually put some on a pad and apply a needed so as to not make a mess. I piked up a couple of syringes. and at the advice of a friend tried using them. Less mess and more control. David B
  15. I have made some progress and finished the deck house. Thanks for the tip. I started working on the 6" guns. The first thing was to find and cut out the pieces and figure out how to assemble them. One touched up they were put together. So far so good. David B
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