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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. When i was a kid scrabble was a required game in our house. I kept a thesaurus / Dictionary by my side. Loser did the dishes. And for a family of 7 that meant a lot of dishes, pots and pans. David B
  2. My bad I was looking at the wrong item. Hint if the melting point is at the upper end of your torches limit it will make it a little difficult to get a clean joint. I found this out the hard way. That was when I went to a jewelry supply house in Chicago to ask some questions and get some advice and the best mat'l for what I was doing. They recommended a liquid flux and a low temp silver solder. The parts I was working on were very delicate and fragile. I took his advice and used a paste with a lower melting point so as to not damage the part. And the one thing he stressed was that the part had to be heated quickly to melt the solder. If I was to slow the part would oxidize before the flux could do it's job and melt the part before the solder flowed. At the upper limit the solder will not flow fast enough. Practice, practice practice. This will give you the feel to get the job done. Right now if I had my torch here. I would have to practice for a while to get the feel again, Good luck. PS make sure you have a fire extinguisher on hand and since you are working with oxygen and flammable gas no smoking or flames near the tanks. Safety first. I did not bring them with me because I respect my sister and do not wish to cause problems. Ed would not be happy about it either. David B
  3. Your post is a keeper. I will be filing it away for future reference. Thanks for going to the trouble. David B
  4. You are learning from your mishaps. To me making a realistic sea is magic. David B
  5. That is a solder that can be used with a soldering iron. David B
  6. Jack, you have done a great job, Wee will have to play the ring trilogy by Wagner for the launching ceremony. I hope you like opera. David B
  7. Part of the control is using the flame. Once the joint has been cleaned and flux applied put a small piece of solder on it ans creep the flame to the joint.. This takes practice when I use the stuff I always practice first to regain the feel. Many times I will use soft solder if I can get away with it. But here is what you can do with silver older. David B
  8. I have used Smith's Little Torch. All you need are regulators for the tanks. I posted a photo of my set up someplace on MSW but I do not recall where. It is a sweet tool and great for little and big parts. Well worth the price. Small disposable propane from the hardware store and a small reusable tank for the propane. Then with practice the flame is more controlled and much hotter than propane. Practice on scrap first. David B
  9. Ahoy cap't did you find out what kind of spirits were in those cask, and did you by chance partake of them. Brandy, Rum. or White Lightning? David B
  10. Your modeling is getting better. I have always been amazed at interior planking and the way it was done. David B
  11. Years ago I was lucky enough to attend the last WSMC I passed a vendors table with several nice looking models on display. When I took a closer look they looked wrong. One of the attendees asked me what is wrong and I told him. He said that they were China and were showing off some models they build. When I told him what I thought he informed that my suspicion was correct. The Victory, Flying Cloud. Wasa. and several others. Same basic model just a different coat of paint. He told me that they were not looking at us as customers. But for those people who want something nice to talk about and do not wish to break the bank. David B
  12. Too bad AJ Fisher is not open at the moment. They had great fittings. David B
  13. Nicely done. What did you for the deck to simulate the planking on your deck and what type of paint did you use? Inquiring minds want to know. David B
  14. At work there was a job we had to do not that big but several angles, holes and counter bores. It takes me awhile to do them. Most of it is setup. Tom, the lead man usually does it faster but he has been doing this job for a long time, as a result the setup is done in half the time. Practice makes perfect. Repetition. is everything. I remember making brackets after a couple hundred of them I made it look easy. But getting the first 30 were a bear cat to do. David B
  15. Mark, I was told by my grandfather that he who has never made a mistake has never done anything. David B
  16. I echo the same thoughts. Make up some test pieces this will save you headache later down the road. Save and label them and save them. They will help you on other models as well. David B
  17. Needless to say my first smart move The old adage soft wood hard spot then soft equals ouch happened. The blade went through the length and hit the back of my hand. The glove stopped the blade and saved me the hassle of going to the emergency ward and the complications from my meds and the wrath of my dear suffering sister. Hurray for having them on! David B
  18. Chrome is my browser of choice for MSW. For uploading photos and checking out various links. David B
  19. We had a member who did his shrouds off the model and when he put them where they belonged they were ll over the place. David B
  20. My digital camera has several settings from super high resolution 3 mbs to web 33kbs. When I take a photo I use the web setting. When I am using the high resolution, the file gets very large. I take the folder and reduce the photos. That is the easy way to do it. David B
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