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Everything posted by AntonyUK

  1. Hi. Nice build. If it helps with the plank bending .... try a shot of whiskey in the glass before use. Will follow along with your build. And watch the progress as she grows. Regards Antony.
  2. Hi. Well that another one finished and delivered to my Niece Sam. She is happy with the model and seascape. Thanks for all the likes. Regards Antony.
  3. Hi Rossi. Looking forward to you building this kit. Quite a size in length. Regards Antony
  4. Hi David. You are making a stunning model from this kit. Maye some people might like to add the tables chairs and other bits on the interior of the boat. Yes I think Chris is right... put some trim around the skirting. Regards Antony.
  5. Hi. The model is now complete. Now for my kit review. At first glance to kit looked to be real good. but as I started to build the quality of the plywood became clear that the plywood quality is not that good and I found a few areas that were missing the centre layers of ply. The instructions were very poor. Almost generic and not to this model at all. Beginners would struggle without good instructions. Plans were good and a lot of information is there and needs to be self interpreted. The Keel and frames were a good fit and was very easy to do. The Planking on the other hand was not so easy if you do not want to paint the kit.(My choice) Easy just to plank and fill and then paint. Sail cloth ....Did not use. I used Egyptian cotton 400mesh. The fittings were OK but not to the plan. Rope was like string . This was binned and replaced with my own. Worth the cash... Only just YES. The photos below are the finished kit. Well that's it for this one... Gonna finish the Korean Turtle ship next. then ?? Regards Antony.
  6. Hi. Almost done now with a little rigging and then tidying up. Base is now complete. with silicon as water with poster paints mixed and spread around with a finger. Will not be adding any crew as I cannot make figures and cant find any that matches the model. Sails were stitched by a friend of my wife.. And I must say she made a excellent job of them for me. Will post a few more pictures when she is finished. Regards Antony. Thanks for looking by. Antony.
  7. Hi Fernando. I will post some updates later on today. I read the so called instructions and did not reference them once. Bad instructions even in Italian. Made some changes to the deck fittings and the rigging.. other than that it's the kit build. You will find the planking a nightmare due to the shape of the hull. But saying that I did not want to paint my ship. Filler will hide 100% of errors while planking. A few intresting links for you.. http://www.cherini.eu/etnografia/Italia1/index.html http://www.modellismo.net/forum/modelli-terminati/79409-il-mio-leudo.html http://forums.airbase.ru/2008/10/t57414_14--chertezhi-parusnykh-korablej.html http://www.modellismo.net/forum/navi-e-velieri-work-progress/75397-leudo-siciliano-1-30-santa-lucia-panart-mantua.html https://www.shipmodeling.ru/books/leudo Regards Antony.
  8. Hi Tim. Nice work on the planking. Make a nice soft cradle to protect your planking. It's gonna get trashed if you leave it on your current cradle. Never used heat to cure wood glue before... might just give that a go on my next build. Regards Antony.
  9. Good morning Nils. Nice work on the stove and cooking pot. A question... Will you be covering the plywood frames ? Sorry if you have already covered this topic. As I said before.. outstanding photos. Regards Antony.
  10. Hi Karl. As always... stunning workmanship. What more can I say. Regards Antony.
  11. Hi Moxis. Nice build. Use spray on contact adhesive. Many different brands out there. Gives a fine coat on each surface. Regards Antony.
  12. Hi Tim. Very nice work with some brilliant scratch bits being put in. Your dog is such a cuitie. Do you have your own laser cutter ?. Gonna follow along with this build...seat booked. Regards Antony. Edited :- I've just read your introduction log.. Yes you do have a laser cutter.
  13. Hi Jeff. Well done for spotting that error. And nicely fixed as well. Coming along nicely with the build. Regards Antony.
  14. Hi Kevin. Fantastic build. The use of so many different building materials makes this a intresting build for me. Lots of real nice details you have added and the shear size makes this a real display model. With your skill's building the launcher will not be too much of a challenge. Make a jig for the frame work as you will need 6 off the same if I remember correctly. With slight modes to each frame. Go for it.. Will you keep her ? You might need a extension built. Late I know But I gonna follow along with your excellent build. Regards Antony.
  15. Hi Nils. Very nice work on the planking. Now I can see those beautiful lines of this boat. That is one stunning photo of the bow area. Consider using Gold leaf on your castings. Looks so much better than paint... assuming you will be going for gold. Regards Antony.
  16. Hi Jeff. The instructions look good for Amati. Check and double check everything. And anything. I will be following this build as it's the first time I'e seen this kit. Regards Antony.
  17. Hi Jack. Stunning work. I never really looked at the lines of this ship till now. WOW I like this beautiful ship. Why is it my photos are rubbish compared to you people. Yours are outstanding. Looking forward to your next progress post. Regards Antony.
  18. WOW Nils. What excellent work. She is looking real good. Nice photographic pictures as well.... is there anything you cannot do ?. Regards Antony.
  19. Hi David. Yeah they look just fine. A lick of black on the bars will finish it. To straighten wire that is bent. Not spring wire. Cut the wire to length. Place it on a hard surface. Use another hard surface on top and roll the wire. You can tell then it has been straightened. Regards Antony.
  20. Hi David. Looking very nice. It's amazing how high these boats were with such a shallow draft. But that's the Mississippi. It's a good job that you are Dry fitting the parts together before glueing. Nice fix. Regards Antony.
  21. Hi Morgan. Nice progress with the build. Adding the treeenails as Cedric suggests would make the deck look so much more better. BUT it is a lot of extra work. Sometimes when there is so much deck furniture you cannot notice lack of treenails. Regards Antony.
  22. Hi David. Not seen this kit being built before.. Looks a intresting build. Simple mistakes but it's the way we learn. Looking ahead at your next step... we do it every day. Check then double check before you apply and sort of glue. Regards Antony.
  23. Hi Morgan. Looking good so far.. That ship is quite some size looking at the photos. You can walk from one end to the other. Regards Antony.
  24. Hi Jack. Nice start to your build. I like the support frame. Nicely built and looks strong. Will follow along as you build your carrack. Regards Antony.
  25. Hi Nils. Excellent progress and stunning workmanship. I have a few badges with this eagle pose. Never thought to use them as decoration till now. Look forward to your next posting. Regards Antony.
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