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Posts posted by AntonyUK

  1. Hi Kevin.

    Fantastic build. The use of so many different building materials makes this a intresting build for me.

    Lots of real nice details you have added and the shear size makes this a real display model.

    With your skill's building the launcher will not be too much of a challenge. Make a jig for the frame work as you will need 6 off the same if I remember correctly.  With slight modes to each frame. Go for it..


    Will you keep her ?  You might need a extension built. 

    Late I know But I gonna follow along with your excellent build.


    Regards Antony.


  2. Hi David.

    Yeah they look just fine.

    A lick of black on the bars will finish it.


    To straighten wire that is bent.  Not spring wire.

    Cut the wire to length. Place it on a hard surface. Use another hard surface on top and roll the wire. You can tell then it has been straightened.


    Regards Antony.

  3. Hi.

    Nils... Yes I wanted till the house was empty and no one could hear my torment. I checked and tripple checked before cutting.


    Zappto. I am building this for a family member as a display piece. And the planking if of mixed timbers.


    Kier. Yes the shape of the boat is rather nice and the camber in the deck is what makes this boat special.


    All the metal work is now made and (painted) The brass rod in the kit would not blacken and yes I cleaned it as I have always done. But this would not take. The copper was no problems at all.

    Need to seal the sea with a sealer so the silicon will adhere to it. One more coat of Danish oil to the hull and I will place the boat into its final position.

    Then the rigging will be added. This is already made but not yet added as it's easer to add it later on.

    Will take a few photos later on today. Weather has been very dark here due to stormed weather.


    Regards Antony.


  4. HI.

    This is a long overdue update.. No Excuses...

    .The Deck was planked with ease .. the only thing I would have done of to put reinforcing blocks under the deck where the cleats are.

    The deck hatches and cabin went together with ease. I planked the hatches and cabin in various wood.

    The BBQ ... well I think it is was covered with copper tape. and semi blackened.  I did NOT want to put any paint on the boat.


    First picture is stern view. 



    View from Starboard side.



    View from Bow/Starboard side.



    View of Port side.  More planking on this side.



    View from Stern/Port side.



    Stern with 50% of rudder cut off.



    View of main yard and very large blocks.



    The next view says it all. Base of boat cut off to allow a shallower display base.



    This is my first sea scene. made from plaster of Paris with blue paint and water to mix. 



    Looks better with boat in place.



    And one more of the stern area.



    When the boat is complete it will be screwed to the base. Then clear silicon will be placed on the water area and be given a ripple texture finish.

    Never tried this before so fingers crossed and luck on my side.

    The batten around the base will be removed and some nice timber used to smarten it up a bit.

    Quite a lot of work on the metal work still to be done and blackened before fitting.


    Thanks for looking in.

    Regards Antony.

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