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Posts posted by AntonyUK

  1. Hello Morgan.

    Welcome to MSW.

    You chose a very nice ship as your first wooden build.

    Nice to see you making sure EVERYTHING is square. So important and is often overlooked by first time builders.

    Yes it's a good idea to stick to the instructions on your first build.

    If your not sure on something... Please Ask  Black viking as he is also building this beauty and a little in frount of you.

    Will follow along on this build as it is a interesting to me.


    Regards Antony.

  2. Hi.

    Its been a while since my last post here... Sorry. Life gets in the way sometimes.

    Progress has been slow but I've done a little bit here and there. and its time to post a few pictures.

    The hull with first layer of planking done ...Not yet sanded.




    Not that easy to plank as the shape of the hull and at this point I decided to plank the second layer with smaller width wood. Just makes it easer to bend and get into the correct shape.


    The Hull second layer completed. Note that I have NOT planked down to the keel as this will be cut off as it will be mounted in a seascape. (Waves and surface texture)








    Have yet to finish the outside of the hull.


    The Deck planking underway using wood supplied with kit.







    Will finish the deck planking then tidy up the hull and deck next.

    Will not be painting this model as normal.


    Thanks for looking in.

    Regards Antony.




  3. Hi Svien.

    Nice build. Like the idea of the lights.

    Did this on my victory cross section. Worked well.

    Used very thin wire ( single strand) hidden in a knife cut. And flickered the led with a chip.

    Rossi46 also did a excellent  tutorial. 



    All the best.


  4. Hi Alex.

    You are making a excellent model from a standard kit.

    There is a tutorial on making sailes someware here on MSW.


    And some reading.


    Don't use your existing sails as you have used pva glue on them... mutch to stiff and would not look right.


    Regards Antony.

  5. Hi Jeff.

    Happy birthday m8.

    As Dan has said. Wood is easy repairable and Dan's examples on some of his repair jobs for other people are amazing.

    Save the bits.

    Scots advice is good. "Its shouldn't be too much of a repair. Just attack it bit by bit. As long as you are ok is the main thing "


    And it happens to most of us at one time or the other.

    Chip UP.


    Regards Antony.

  6. Hi Zappto.

    Very nice.

    Your footropes are a little lose.( the ropes that are under the yards)

    They run approximately 1/3 of a body length down from the yards.

    I have used millinery wire for this as it can be bent into shape and it limos the part.(wire with a cotton winding)

    You have made a excellent model for a first time builder. (You should have seen my first one.  It looked a mess).


    All the best.

    Regards Antony.

  7. Hi J. 

    Will follow along with this one if you please.

    Many modelers underestimate the quality and finish that card/paper models can acheave.

    As you have pointed out we have some very experienced and superb card and paper modelers on MSW. 

    A vacation with my family and a model ship kit would never work out for me... unless I wanted a divorce.

    And taking challenge to build the kit while camping. You are one brave guy.

    Will look forward to your build and the scenery as you build. Maybe on your return to Internet access to post updates.


    Wishing you well.

    Regards Antony.

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