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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Thanks Everyone for the likes. Druxey - Yep the fillers were added at the same time as the square frames, I do see some small gaps here and there which will need to be filled. Greg - the pencil method is what I used for internal fairing and it worked well so I will use it for doing the external. Ben
  2. Hey all, Well the internal fairing is pretty much completed so I released the hull from the build board, so I can start external fairing and will also help to complete the internal as I can hold the hull in my lap and be able to access parts that the buildboard made difficult. I see a lot of sanding in my future! Ben
  3. Very Glad to hear you are well Paul and look forward to seeing your remarkable build continue. Ben
  4. Another addition to the wood stock pile, a couple of billets of nice white Holly stacked on top of my boxwood, Holly is getting really difficult to obtain here in US, So I get whatever I can when the chances arise. I may have some updates to show on Pegasus next week - Ive been working away a lot lately and the sanding and fairing of the inside hull is taking quite a bit of time to get really good. ben
  5. Some very nice planking there! I remember at that point needing a break too, you could always do something completely different like building the stove or getting all of your PE sheets prepped and painted. Ben
  6. Always nice to put faces to names, I met a couple of you at last years conference and commend you all for the work you do with the guild. Ben
  7. Hey guys, A scroll saw is just another saw, same rules apply. Blade selection all comes down to what material and how thick it is. Druxey hit on the head, 3 teeth in the material is a good rule of thumb. Also practice with speed of saw, speed of feed and blade type. Cutting basswood compared to boxwood is obviously a different thing. Blade types like reverse, ultra-reverse, circular all give different results. It's just practice guys, horses for courses. Take the time to learn your equipment and how it performs under different conditions. Ben
  8. I have learned that slow is actually fast in model ship building, rework is rework! Take your time brother, it works out the same. Make a part and be happy with it, you know the difference between what u think is acceptable and what is not. Ben
  9. Nice Grant, I need to make spales too when I start work on Pegasus interior, thanks for the reminder. Ben
  10. Well done Jack, we all have that moment when the hard work actually pays off, look forward to seeing all the frames done. Ben
  11. Oh, and following Remco's motto is a big thing. Ben
  12. Thanks guys, but that's all it is " practice practice practice ". Ben
  13. So great work here Bob, crows feet look very good indeed. Ben
  14. Thanks for all the likes. I thought I'd take practice run at the knee of the head, here is my first attempt, some of the joints are not as tight as I would like so another one will be made. Ben
  15. Glad the sander is getting a work out, I don't know where I'd be without mine. Ben
  16. Excellent, very well done. And to agree with Augie, enjoy the lower planking. Ben
  17. Thanks Augie, Grant and all those who hit the Like button. Ben
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