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Posts posted by Baker

  1. 1 hour ago, greenstone said:


    Colleagues, what can you say about this particular question?

    When I look at the finish of the model under the waterline (nicely made planks with nails or treenails). Then it is paint, but that is my opinion.

    The only person who could give a correct answer to the question is the builder of the model.


    (the real ship could of course have had copper plating)

  2. Hello everyone,


    Thanks Michael and Zappto for the comments and everyone for reacting.


    Short update. The channels of the main mast are ready. 



    Now, i continue with the channels of the fore mast. This will not be a simple task at first sight. 

    If I place them at the same height as on the main mast (red line), then they are is too wide at the front.
    If I place them higher (yellow line), Then the width of the channel is ok, but  the upper part of my vertical pieces are too short


    So there is first some thinking and testing to do before i can build further.
    "Advice or tricks" are always welcome :blush:;). For me the challenge is getting them at the same heigt (red line)


    Thanks for following


  3. 20 hours ago, Hubac's Historian said:

    Following that, I will focus on getting the lower hull halves painted so that I can mount them and begin actually building the model.

    Just an idea,

    I built this model a long time ago. Out of the box. Without extra detail (no documentation, no internet, and with little experience). what I remember well is that I had problems with the two hull halves to fit well together.


    Is it not better to put the hull halves together first and then to paint afterwards?
    And also to see if your newly created parts fit well on the hull.


    Greetings Patrick



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