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Posts posted by Baker

  1. Hello,


    Started with planking of the deck

    General rules in 16th century deck planking :  there are no rules, use all your wooden planks that you have left ... and is the deck waterproof, then it is good.

    some examples



    I also made a ladder.

    This will be glued on the model when the anchor cable is in place.

    The original planks were probaly nailed and the head of the nail was caulced. 
    Planks are provided with treenails ( the caulcing) in advance and have already been colored once before glueing on to the model.



    Work in progress



    The third box of toothpicks....



    Thanks for following and merry christmas

  2. Hello everyone


    Michael, he has not caught a rat yet. But mice are no longer safe in our garden..😸

    Continue with the model.
    The channels have finally been installed. There were quite a few difficult pieces to make.



    I think I'm going to place the cannons now.



    Thanks for following and likes.

  3. Some info,

    On 12/9/2018 at 8:14 PM, ccoyle said:

    Pretty tight quarters -- especially if the crew were sharing it with, say, an 85 mm AT round.  😳

    The StuG IIIf was the first  model to receive the long 7.5cm L/43 cannon. Later models had the L/48.

    In combination with the low silouette of the vehicle, this was very effective against enemy tanks.
    Somewhere I once read that by the summer of 1943 alone the StuG's were responsible for about 30,000 destroyed Russian tanks.
    Best needed if you know that in 1942 the average tank production of the German Panzer IV 100 was pieces per month.
    The Russians then already built 1000 T34 per month..


    Interior photos of a StuG IIIg the next model, comparable to the f model. 




    Great model !!


  4. 12 hours ago, andante said:

    That is mighty nice planking! I wonder how many of these lovely boats have survived, how many restored or converted into house boats. Could you tell a bit more about the old yachts, materials used and their dimensions?

    Unfortunately i find only information in the Dutch language.

    Google search = Boeier 





    Some in English



    If you want a new one ;) (the dimensions are 7.50 x 3.58 m)




    great work cortes


  5. Hello,


    After some searching and testing i restarted building again. 
    During this period, the channels can be at different heights on the hull. Probably they were placed  where they fit best and there were no specific rules in the 16th century.


    The channels of the front mast are under construction.



    In the meantime I received "assistance". 
    Felix the cat, he is now part of the family for two months and is eight months old. 
    He prefers to help build tanks in our heated kitchen. For the moment, he does not like the "cold" shipyard in the attic



    Tired of helping in the tank factory. Turn off the light please, i need sleep... ;)



    Thanks for following

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