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Posts posted by Baker

  1. On 15-7-2018 at 7:09 PM, G.L. said:

    For me a Tripel as well please!



    come and get it  ;)


    On 15-7-2018 at 9:24 PM, md1400cs said:



    Yes I do remember indeed. Thanks for remembering as well as noting this "how it was done". I wonder if after several shots, the barrel got too hot for the poor gunners who had to straddle these iron guns?


    Nice beer. Reminds me of my days living in London and enjoying a nice room temperature pint sitting outside at 10:00pm - and it still light and pleasantly warm  :cheers:



    Thanks Michael,

    But beer at room temperature.

    No no, in Belgium we drink cooled beer :P


    On 16-7-2018 at 9:49 AM, Barbossa said:

    Excellent approach !

    Meaning your buildlog as well as the beverages !

    About the latter : because of the heat I'm more into Liefmans Goudband or Kriek (Boon) 

    For the same reason : my shipyard is on the attic ( almost 30° in the afternoon ) and shipbuilding is only to resume until september.


    Cheers !


    Kriek, also tasty.


    It is still too hot here in Belgium (it is from 1976 ago that it has been so hot and dry here)
    So building is slow. 

    I started with the deck beams and the hanging knees.


    The deck beams are made of cherry. They are 24 hours soaked in water and 24 hours clamped.

    I made this a month ago to see if they kept the correct curved shape. Most remained correctly curved.



    Most deck beams are placed. The rear beams are not yet installed, first I have to put the helm in place




    Still much to do.

    Did a test set-up of the deck with the main mast.



    Have to place LED lights and make lanterns (one prototype as a test, and for now not yet satisfied with the result).
    etc, etc.



    Thanks for following and likes



  2. 20 hours ago, cog said:

    you might consider an outboard gunning crew ...



    Believe it or not. Outboard loading was, at that time, more  a necessity than an exception


    22 hours ago, md1400cs said:

    As usual such excellent work indeed



    Do you remember the discussion we had? How to load the 2 small cannons on the deck on your Vasa.

    Maybe the text and images below show the solution.
    Climbing overboard...

    IMG_20180715_152739.thumb.jpg.25a60814e1818860b5cf847fe8306671.jpgIMG_20180715_152815.thumb.jpg.a87459b107f3f218c8b33e357b3a392b.jpg on y




    Meanwhile, here in Belgium it is to hot to build modelships.  



    a drink a day keeps the doctor away :P


  3. 39 minutes ago, dziadek4444 said:

    Tłumaczenia językowe są okropne!!!

    Tłumaczenia językowe są okropne!!!   = Language translations are terrible !!!

    Yep, Google translate is useful. But indeed, it sometimes makes strange misspellings


    You Colleagues are both right !!!  Thanks (dziękuję)


    I'm doing a model for the Polish edition of the De Agostini collection. I undertook to do it exactly according to the instructions contained in the notebooks. In my case, the case is based on the proof that this model can be built based on De Agostini notebooks.

    Bad research from De Agostini :default_wallbash:


    I build according to instructions, but on the Polish blog I suggest modelers how correctly these elements should actually be valorized.

    Great work !!


  4. 1 hour ago, Jasseji said:

    Sorry guys, let me jump in with Polish here.

    @Hubac's Historian i checked the instructions, and indeed they tell you to do the planking on the whole keel, stem and sternpost

    Then the instructions are totally wrong about this point.

    Hubac's Historian is right. It is indeed advisable to correct this error.



    Otherwise very nicely done.

  5. Small update,

    The carriages are provided with blocks and rope (this work took longer than initially planned).

    This picture served as example



    The carriages are fastened with a screw. This looks overkill but the screw is later invisible and the carriges are firmly secured.



    The blocks are surpluses of the Vasa of Billing Boats. Split pins (Dutch : splitpen) were used to secure the blocks.




    Al this can be done better. But for below deck, this detailing is sufficient.


    Thanks for following and likes.

  6. On 8-7-2018 at 10:52 AM, DORIS said:

    I have also tried to make a grating (it is made from longitudinal wooden laths - they were also used on English ships from that period), but I do not have any accurate plans or images that could help me with a realistic appearance. Now I'm thinking about design of seats of ease, I have several options but I am not sure, which of them is suitable for Royal Katherine from 1670... If you have historically more accurate information, I will be very grateful for your help.



    Best regards,



    You can download a pdf on this link. The 17th century is from page 66 onwards



  7. Hello everyone,


    The gun carriages. These are under deck and will not remain fully visible, only minor details will be added.
    First the sides are made with the electric crosscut saw. And then the bottom pieces are made with the same saw.
    My method uses a lot of wood in relation to what is needed. I used softwood for this.

    To know the dimensions a drawing has been made before i started.



    The bottom piece is multi-functional so that long or short, narrow or wide, carriages can be made from the same pieces.



    Making the wheels (the Backer way). Thin slices of wood are sawn and from these slices the wheels are "knocked out". After this I just do some sanding and make a hole in the middle. 


    work in progress


    A first test



    Thanks for following.

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