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Posts posted by Baker

  1. 5 hours ago, md1400cs said:



    Just catching up - As always Brilliant indeed.



    Thank you Michael

    8 hours ago, nikbud said:

    I like the solid and purposeful look of the channels.

    The decking pattern is very impressive, both the deck and channels give an insight into how these ships were built - with craftsmanship, but using what is available where necessary.

    Good work, you have given me much to think about!

    Thank you

  2. 10 hours ago, davyboy said:

    Patrick,you are making a very good model,very nice indeed.


    I watched a programme yesterday on English television about this ship and Drake. There were many parts of the programme taken on board the replica in London. Not a lot of headroom below decks and extremely cramped living conditions. Hard to believe that the original ship circumnavigated the world.


    BTW,the pivot point for the Whipstaff is called the Rowle.


    Dave :dancetl6:

    Thank you,


    I read somewhere. 

    Spanish prisoners found the living conditions below deck dark, cramped and unhealthy. They were right 



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