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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Hello! A small update after a long absence. This winter most of my spare time went to military model building(build logs in the shore leave corner), and in between i sewed the " cringles" to the sails. First, a sketch is made of how many are needed for each sail. Work in progress WE sewed cringles... The sails are finally ready, now i have to make blocks and then I can start with the running rigging.
  2. Nice model Welcome to MSW
  3. Welcome to MSW
  4. Welcome to MSW
  5. Thanks everyone for the nice comments So, did some experimenting. The result should represent a winter camouflage at the end of winter, with a somewhat rusty appearance. And the tank needs now an urgent spring clean up and repaind job. Almost ready
  6. Thanks, Indeed, Pretty okay. But I'm going to do some experimenting on this i think
  7. This is chapter 2 of the T26 tanks (and also the last T26 from my stash) Only 1 prototype was ever built in 1934 and tested in 1935. The intention was to have a mobile armored observation post for artillery The only info i found https://www.armedconflicts.com/T-26TH-legkiy-tank-nablyudatelnyy-punkt-t86358 https://vcdns.valka.cz/attachments/12217/thumbs/T-26TN.JPG The box (upper box) The plans and parts. Start building Ther is some interior detail, so i will leave a few hathes open.
  8. Thanks OC (but, no T72 in this kit 😉) All part are on the model Painting It's been a while since I've done a winter camo. So a green base coat with a thin white wash. Base coat White wash almost ready
  9. Not sure if you've found this site yet. But there is a lot of information to be found http://www.wasadream.com/Index/indexenglish.html
  10. Due to other activities there was no time for modeling last 2 weeks But, we've started up again. The tracks are now mounted and the turret is ready with some extra details (turret not yet glued on the chassis).
  11. Always nice to follow this build and be surprised what some can do on this small scale. Great "small" work Steven
  12. The Leopold is very impressive with the 2 Tiger tank hulls, nice work. Ps, This is the only i have on your project. No project has progressed beyond the drawing board. For the first project (with the Tiger I) Henschel's short answer was: no time to build 2 extra chassis
  13. He has a hangover and is sleeping somewhere in the hold 😇 (nice work)
  14. Nic work, Building a model from scrap is indeed more complex than a kit model.
  15. The running gear. The parts are first pre painted Running gear in place and set to dry The MG mount (not included in the kit). And the extra "head space" for the the MG gunner
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