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Posts posted by RGL

  1. Still getting my head around very poor instructions and forward planning as much as possible. But, one must make a start somewhere, so I added the 14 strengthening struts which all needed to be filed down (they don't fit without a hammer). 


    I drilled out and filed out the hawser holes so I can use proper anchors and replace the anchor chain covers. 


    Lots of gaps to fill and the supports for stand pedestals. 


    You can see it's a big kit, and will be a lot more complex than Yamato. 





  2. My next build is the Hybrid battleship Ise. Converted in 1943/44 to a carrier ship, and half sunk in 1945 in Kure Harbour, Japan.


    The class after the Fuso so there are a lot of similarities which will allow me to use the AOTS Fuso for reference.


    During the build of Isuzu, I decided to do something much more complicated, lots more features. I would like to do an Aircraft Carrier and I like all the underlying lattice of beams, but you pay a lot of money for a flat top.


    The Fujimi Ise offers the best of both worlds. Flight deck and cannons plus pagoda tower.


    The prices and additions vary widely on this kit. You can get it for nearly $900 on Ebay!! I ended up getting it from Japan for $200 and arrived in OZ in a couple of days. Included were two separate photo etch sheets from Fujimi which seem to sell for around $100 each so I'm ahead. The Fujimi wooden deck is a bargain at $600 just for the deck. I went for the thrifty Artwox version.


    I got the flyhawk upgrade, which mainly focuses on support struts, barrels and 12.7mm guns and 2D 25mm's.


    The rear deck needs rails and turntables (not in any of the PE), the decks need lots of vents and other dandyfunk, and around 30 triple 25mms.


    Opening the box it's fairly strait forward, but It's going to suck up a LOT of aftermarket to bring it up to a decent standard. There are some video's of her on Utube.










  3. Unfortunately the Tamiya Yamato was designed for individual stanchions with dimples where you drilled, no such luck on Isuzu. Still a pain in the butt to do and I can't go back to PE railing now. 


    Enjoy the outdoors, it's winter here and nothing grows. 


    I intentionally flogged her to death with weathering to try all the techniques as no one else seems to want to go so far. 


  4. I'm home. I did up the focsle deck equipment before I went away. The deck comes from Flyhawk but r ally offers nothing else. The Capstans, brakes hawser covers etch are all from Crysanthum, a very obscure Japanese company which has first rate resin and PE but I think has probably gone out of business as it's so hard to find. The anchors themselves are just stick on things that will do for the build. 


    Weathering, then chain, chain stoppers and throw the anchors on. 



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