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bruce d

NRG Member
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Everything posted by bruce d

  1. Hello Phil, May I suggest you let us know where you are based? Regards, Bruce
  2. Status of the History of the Lost Franklin Expedition of 1845 by Dr. M. John Roobol, Retired Geologist Status_of_the_History_of_the_Lost_Frankl.pdf
  3. For that relatively small job perhaps coffee stirring sticks would work. I like what you have done, will be watching. 👍
  4. Tony, I don't think that is stupid at all. Any internal stresses will naturally seek relief if one surface is weakened.
  5. So it is not just me. It took some time before getting used to my Prixma but eventually I became comfortable. I found when doing artwork always adjust the print settings to the highest quality output, the Prixma does a good job on that setting. The sails look great!
  6. Hello Rich and welcome to MSW. I look forward to seeing what happens next and hope you will make use of the experience available here to get you set up. BTW, IMHO Roswell is a lovely place. Bruce
  7. From the Manx Museum. The modeler is making a local type of boat for exhibition. Seeing this makes me feel like all my tools are under-used. Note the use of an upended bench to support the end of the model.
  8. Hello Dennis, I was told it was because the Latin numerals were easier to recognise from different angles and over greater distances. This is not official but it is the answer I was given when I asked the same question forty years ago! HTH ruce
  9. Mark, Timberline is certainly worth a call: Exotic Hard Woods | Catalogues 2021 | Specialist Woods, Veneers, Tonewoods, Marquetry, Sundries, Tools 01732 355626, not everything is in the catalogue. My go-to guys.
  10. Mark, I have no idea why sometimes wood/plywood just decides all on it's own to develop a wriggle. It seems to be more common in thinner pieces. See my Mediator log for my own version of this aggravation. However, i have seen wood develop dark spots after bits of swarf from filling ferrous metals was allowed to rest on the surface long enough to begin oxidizing. After the process began it continued despite the rusting iron having been removed. Hope this isn't the problem because as far as I know there is no cure. I like what you are doing, will keep watching.
  11. Investigations_of_a_Nineteenth_Century_S.pdf
  12. Others may have something concrete to offer but I would suggest a thorough cleanout of the mating surfaces where the fence grips the table. Unless it has been damaged the fence should (as you know) automatically align at 90 degrees so if it isn't then something is in the way, possibly just a bit of crud stuck in a bad spot on the fence gripping surface. HTH Bruce
  13. Archaeological_evidence_of_the_foremast.pdf
  14. So now I am curious. Is Titebond hide glue actually the best for the job? Besides the extra working time are there any advantages?
  15. Hi, perhaps that should read " 0.5mm"? I'm glad you have asked the question, it's exactly the type of thing could cause grief.
  16. I will experiment but it looks like a good way to hold a profile scraper instead of a bevelling blade.
  17. I intend to raid the scrapbox and make one, looks like a useful gizmo. Thanks!
  18. That's a new one to me. I can see it being of use in armed boats, would be interested if you have more. It would have required a different process for making the hollow ball so there should be a paper trail. 👍
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